I know this is totally mad.
The game we are working on is EAW a Flight Sim from 1998, by Microprose, which started life as Fleet Defender, 1994, and then 1942 Pacific Air Wars, 1996.
We started modding the game in 1999, and we were given permission by Atari to develop the code back in 2006. Since then, we have kept it running even under Win10, but with all the OS and hardware changes the EAW Game Engine is a bit like a 600cc engine in a Dragster! Just too slow, because it's not able to use any modern hardware, or Dx properly. In short, we need a tuneup.
With our old 'C' code and Dx4a, we need an old school coder to help us get the engine going smoothly with a few added things like the Z-Buffer.
Our DirectX does not even support AGP, and runs at about 30fps in D3D, as apposed to 60+ in Glide3, using an wrapper.
Last year I was lucky enough to find a guy who updated the Glide code to G3, which enabled full 24bit colour, and runs well, but the old girl could do with a few modern things which came in with Dx6.
Is there anyone out there who could help us out? We have the full source for the game, and we do everything for the fun, and challange of it. :D
The game we are working on is EAW a Flight Sim from 1998, by Microprose, which started life as Fleet Defender, 1994, and then 1942 Pacific Air Wars, 1996.
We started modding the game in 1999, and we were given permission by Atari to develop the code back in 2006. Since then, we have kept it running even under Win10, but with all the OS and hardware changes the EAW Game Engine is a bit like a 600cc engine in a Dragster! Just too slow, because it's not able to use any modern hardware, or Dx properly. In short, we need a tuneup.
With our old 'C' code and Dx4a, we need an old school coder to help us get the engine going smoothly with a few added things like the Z-Buffer.
Our DirectX does not even support AGP, and runs at about 30fps in D3D, as apposed to 60+ in Glide3, using an wrapper.
Last year I was lucky enough to find a guy who updated the Glide code to G3, which enabled full 24bit colour, and runs well, but the old girl could do with a few modern things which came in with Dx6.
Is there anyone out there who could help us out? We have the full source for the game, and we do everything for the fun, and challange of it. :D