Talent is talent, skill is skill, ability is ability not confuse.
Talent: an innate property of character.
If you want create a game with beautifull individual system, you must learn about each point of them.
Just example, how this system i see.
alent we can add when cahracter is creating: Like a ---
1. Sweaming ->
in L2: decrease penalty for speed in water against 50%. Or remove it all.
in Wow: increase speed move in water for 20~50%.
in Raganrok Online: nothing not doo ;D. Or, character can sweam throught water.
2. Stranger ->
in L2: increase speed when you travel on mounts for 20%.
in WOW: decrease price for riding on wyverns by 50%.
in Ragnarok Online: nothink not do. ;D
3. Truly Trader ->
in L2/WOW: decrease the price of all buyed items for 5-10%. Increase the price of selling items for 5-10%.
in Ragnarok Online: we have a skill about it, than we must find a new way for this alent on next use in game.
Skills is a special abilities froma a one game class or some trainer (maser).
1. Power Strike: learned by teacher of your class. Deal damage.
2. Power strike: learned by teacher in a world.
In a game without classes, we have trainers, and players, those can learn any skills from another classes, but learnable skill must have a past learned skill from trainer skill tree, I mean:
If we want learn shield strike from tank trainer, we must learn shield mastery at first. and etc... this system was be great for MMORPG OPEN WORLD.
3. Power Strike: learned by your self in special window (in game, like CBB in L2) and you spend some points/money or etc resources.
Abilies is passive. It's a like skills but not a skills ;D. Ability can be learned up to another level or something else, when skill can't. Skill Most deal some damage and must depend from player sats for future build formation. Abilities is static "skill" with passive proc.
1. Shield Mastery: increase shld block rate for a [5 + skilllevel]%
2. Sword Mastery: increase some of you kinds (game kinds), it can be like most accuracy hits with sword, like a truly mastery and etc..
3. Inrage: when your HP lower han 30%, you get a rage stance and your attack grow UP for a 50% but defence abilities is reduced by 30%. It's proc by event, but with minuses.
Than, in talent list what character can do from birth, we can add Rager Trust, those not add penalty when rage is used and etc.
This - how i see the talent system, in conjunction with the skill/ability system. And if in game we can upgrade us main stats like STR,DEX,INT and etc, it will be true individuality character/player system.