the game: Caveman 3.0 - a Paleo-world simulation
its time to implement pet interactions
one of the animal types in the game is the wild dog. some wild dogs can be domesticated and become pets.
where i'm at right now:
at the moment, there are only a few interactions available when you select one of your pets, things like rename, check health, and staunch wounds.
while you must feed a dog to tame them, once you tame them they are assumed to feed themselves. the game uses relations with the dog while taming, but doesn't use them after they are tamed. pets can be issued combat orders like any other follower (goto, wait, follow, target, attack, flee, etc).
i'd like to add interactions like, pet, feed, play with, etc that affect relations, and also make relations go down over time. if relations drop too low, the pet may run away.
possible interactions i've come up with so far:
play with
change appearance (textures)
check health
staunch wounds (the game's combat system includes bleedout and staunching of wounds)
teach trick: fetch, roll over, play dead, point, hold the snack on your nose until i say its ok to eat it? (that's SO mean!) <g>.
do trick - select trick from menu
chase off (abandon / dismiss)
kill - actually, the combat engine provides this option automatically
praise? used when does trick correctly, or other actions worthy of praise?
scold? used when they fail a trick, or disobey, etc?
should they have freewill and possibly be disobedient? (i just started a skyrim game with 14 followers from 3 different mods. the character is an assassin. i can do anything i want. they'll slay city guards all day for me. but if i steal a horse, they leave my service).
so what actions should i include ?
should i not have different actions that are basically the same effect?, like scratch vs pet? they smack of "not meaningful dialog choices".
how in-depth should i make all this? i mean you could get into where the dog likes to be scratched (ears, chest, belly, on the back just forward of the tail - each dog has their favorites).
are there any pet interactions that might be turned into mini-games?
in general i'd like to discuss how pet relations and interactions should work in the game. does using the standard "relations variable" method seem adequate? and running away is an appropriate possible outcome? what interactions should the player be capable of? should they be allowed to perform harmful, hurtful, or cruel actions?
should i model more than just pet relations? mood? food? water? disease? make them a full band member you can control directly? a FPS where your a dog! <g>