'knuckle bones' ... you literally played with the knuckle bones of some food animal (?) so likely for agricultural age people
Interesting thing was they were NOT symetrical and when rolled fell with an irregular statistical pattern on the different facings (which had names of their shape rather than numbers).
my mention of 'pre-tecnological' - that early hominids may have thrown rocks earlier than anything else. I recall a case of paleoarcheologists finding an fairly early hominid site in africa where there had been a large colony of baboons, and several tons of rocks of a convenient size (to throw) were deposited there where the hominids had been systematically trying to kill the baboons for food. I believe this was PRE stone age hominids...
rocks/slings/throwing spears/arrows/atl-atl all take more than a little practice to be effective at range
and probably stick fighting/clubbing as well -- even after the range weapons used above - (the monty python joke...) the target often
"wasn't quite dead" .
I recall from a history book long ago, that for many Native Americans (and likely in many other diverse cultures) GAMBLING had a religious connotation ('luck' having some metaphysical connection).