
Programmer looking for an artist to start making games with.

Started by September 18, 2016 08:57 PM
7 comments, last by gammis 8 years, 4 months ago


I've been programming seriously for just over a year now and been playing around with unity for a good few months now. I've made a few basic games myself like Simon, Pong, and Hangman but am now looking to make something more interesting and original as a way to practice and improve.

I'm looking for an artist / ideas person to work with (ideally an artist who is also new / new-ish to making games) to start collaborating with.

Thanks for your time,


Well sounds like your in a good spot to hop on my project. I have entry level to advanced I also don't mind showing you how to do other things, textures, models, animation. In exchange you can show me what you know. We can call it a trade - off.

Here is my projects website (there is sound on it so turn it down a bit before clicking here)

I currently use dx9, MySQL and c++. Written using the M Twister. I have some members already but the ever so troubling programmer is the tough one to get. Hopefully you like what you see and msg me back :) Hope to hear from you soon. Anyone else reading is welcome to jump in too. I enjoy learning, developing and teaching. :) (being forced to explain it to someone hard codes it into the brain.) ill be waiting. :)


All of my games coding has been in Unity so far. All the coding I usually do is within audio systems and applications (plugins, midi, etc).

Looking at where you're at I'm honestly not sure what I can bring to the table.

Well I need to get away from .wav files holy smokes there big. That would be something you could handle?

i am a 34 year old 2d artist looking for a friend to talk about cool ideas for game design and also get started making games!

email me at

Hey Tkodo,

I can probably do anything your heart desires with .wav files. They're large files for a reason though as .wav doesn't compress (although you can use it as a container for .mp3 files and the like). You can use 320kbps .mp3 files and if there's a vbr (variable bit rate) setting using that will further decrease file size. You will lose clarity and definition from data compression though.

Hey eroutt,

Sounds like we're in similar positions. I'll ping you an email just now and we can start sharing ideas!


Better yet ping me on skype and we can start making ideas :). I don't need a massive compression I do enjoy the quality of the sound but its file size is a nogo. Moving to a compressed sound system is fine just the sound quality needs to stay at a medium level so to speak.

You should both ping me on skype and we can have a game design powwow :). I need to finish my Crestron resume too but I can chat about all the fun stuff at the same time. eric.kikkert is my skype.

Hey Tkodo,

It's easier for me if you ping me an email:

Hi. Was it strictly a graphic artist you were looking for? I'm a game music composer anyway :) - look at my stuff at if you are interested. best of luck to you either way!

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