Hello everybody.
First of all, sorry for my bad English. It’s not my native language, but I try my best to be understandable.
I have a couple of questions, and I hope you can help me clear all the fog I have clouding my mind.
I got an apprenticeship in the game industry, which stars next year. Now you can imagine, that I am really excited and I don’t want to wait until next year to start studying. So I put some money on the table and got me some subscriptions on online courses like Gnomon Workshop and Pluralsight (digital tutors) and it’s amazing how much content there is online. But with all that content and information, there comes a ton of confusion. And with all that choices, I have a lot of trouble making a decision.
Basically, I want to develop small indie games and animated video series in the next few years, to accompany my apprenticeship. I know, I know. I don’t plan on developing the next big MMORPG or Call of Duty. But I want to be able to make simple versions of games like Diablo 2. Really simple versions.
Some decisions already have been made. I will be using Unreal Engine 4 as my game engine and Maya, since the company I will be working for uses Maya ( I got the Student license ). I also will be using Photoshop (bought License, since I was Studying Art and Design a few years back, I am 27, so yeha a bit older). As for the last piece of Software im not sure for now. I thought about zbrush, so at the moment I got the 2 Month free Trial version, and will be deciding in the future if I want to buy it or not. But as far as I know, the company I will be working for, also uses zbrush. So the good thing is, I know which software to use. But, I don’t know what to use them for. No Clue.
Everytime I start watching an online course, or some youtube videos or other tutorials, it seems like so much is done in Maya, while others do some things in zbrush, or other things in Unreal. It’s so confusing. I don’t understand how a Professional, uses these Software, his workflow basically. When to use what and what is best for what. What to start with, where to start. What needs to be done first, what last. Should I first know how do model before I start using unreal? I really don’t want to use any free stuff, I want to create everything on my own. Because, like I said, I want and need to learn this.
I know this is much text and a lot of rambling around. I’m sorry. But my head is spinning with all that information out there. I looked for days before I posted this, but I never got good answers, if any at all. Sometimes even more questions.
I hope someone in here can help me. Would be pretty much appreciated.
Have a nice day