Hello, my name is Eugene. I’m C# developer.
I don't have much experience with Unity, but I have experience with programming.
So In that moment I just get some free assets and start working on prototype of this game.
Project Genre & Platform
Genres: Runner, turn-based strategy elements, Infinite Runner.
Android, WebGL, maybe something else?
The Idea
I think in that game will be 2 modes of the game(arcade, campaign). Arcade will infinitive runner. The campaign will be have 5-10 levels for a start. There we meet Mobs and Boss and save princess?.
I think about simple turn-based strategy elements mechanic with level up. There we can up some stats - luck, armour, attack.
What I Looking For
I looking for an artist. I think this game will be 2d, but we can think together about 3d. I’m not sure about this part. It all depends on you: )
Oh, maybe we can find a game designer? So we can talk about the mechanic of this game Maybe you will have some ideas for this game.
Feel free to contact me.
P.s I have some problems with my English. But I hope that do not be a problem