Seemed like a good test for my Rng Script Interpreter...
Didn't spend much time tweaking everything, but here is 50 Procedurally generated Ship weapons
I tried again (could add below... so added above)
This time, the name isn't as creative... but the dmg formula is more linked to the class...
Each projectile type (laser, plasma, photon, etc) has
a type (Energy/ballistic/explosive),
a base die count,
a base die size,
a base minimun damage
and a cool down modifier
Each Hardware type (Cannon, Turrent, Blaster.. etc)
has a salvo size and a base cooldown
Each Hardware size (small, med, large)
has a dieSize modifier, a minDmg modifier and a total damage modifier
The damage formula for a given weapon is
Class:Small Energy Blaster
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Salvo Size:1
Dmg:1*((1*1)@(6*1)+(0*1)) [1 to 6]
Class:Large Explosive Rack
Cooldown: 180 seconds
Salvo Size:6
Dmg:1*((6*5)@(10*2)+(100*2)) [260 to 800]
Class:Medium Explosive Cannon
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Salvo Size:1
Dmg:1*((1*5)@(10*1.5)+(100*1.5)) [158 to 225]
Class:Medium Explosive Launcher
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Salvo Size:1
Dmg:1*((1*5)@(10*1.5)+(100*1.5)) [158 to 225]
PhotonTwin Turrent
Class:Massive Energy Twin Turrent
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Salvo Size:2
Dmg:2*((2*1)@(6*3)+(0*3)) [12 to 72]
Class:Massive Explosive Launcher
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Salvo Size:1
Dmg:2*((1*5)@(10*3)+(100*3)) [630 to 900]
Class:Large Energy Cannon
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Salvo Size:1
Dmg:1*((1*1)@(6*2)+(0*2)) [2 to 12]
Class:Massive Explosive Launcher
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Salvo Size:1
Dmg:2*((1*5)@(10*3)+(100*3)) [630 to 900]
Anti-MatterAuto Turrent
Class:Large Ballistic Auto Turrent
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Salvo Size:1
Dmg:1*((1*1)@(4*2)+(2*2)) [6 to 12]
Class:Small Energy Cannon
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Salvo Size:1
Dmg:1*((1*1)@(6*1)+(0*1)) [1 to 6]
PlasmaAuto Cannon
Class:Medium Energy Auto Cannon
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Salvo Size:1
Dmg:1*((1*1)@(6*1.5)+(0*1.5)) [2 to 9]