I have a question for my fellow participants:
What are you happiest about regarding your part in the competition? (Bearing in mind that the judging isn't yet in.) This could be anything--a social matter (such as getting to work with a particular person), a feature that you successfully implemented, a game-design choice that you feel worked very well, a terrible bug that you managed to squash, etc.
To start things off, let me answer my own question:
I think that I'm happiest with the moving elements of my game's level. These weren't quite as easy to implement as I think that I at first expected. In the end, it works something like this (if I recall correctly): The rigged, animated models are exported separately from the level, and their collision-models exported separately from them, tagged with the bones (so to speak ;)) to which they should be attached--Panda3D doesn't implement bone-animation for its built-in collision system, I believe. The level is exported with a marker indicating that an animated element should be placed there, and tagged with the name of the model to load. The game-logic, upon finding such a marker, then loads the indicated model, loads the collision model and attaches its parts to the indicated bones, and creates a trigger to activate the animation.
It would appear that (again) my game is too hard to play. Here's a quick playthrough I did as soon as I came back home this week (have been away for around a week).
Interesting viewing--I suspect that my own trouble at progressing in your game was combination of impatience (not wanting to slowly build up my defences), and allowing myself to be overwhelmed (i.e. overreacting to the advancing waves; being tempted into front-line fighting rather than setting up ruins to do the fighting for me--in short, not acting as an effective tactician).
It hadn't occurred to me to show a playthrough of my own--I think that I'll do so shortly!
Here the post-mortem of my entry, A little late tho.
I intend to write my own post-mortem only after the judging is in: I find that external feedback can have a significant effect on how I see my entry, and its development during the competition. Indeed, I recall that in the first Week of Awesome that I entered (Week of Awesome II, I think), I ended up writing two post-mortems: one before the judging, and one after, my perspective having been shifted significantly by the feedback gained.