
Next Step

Started by August 06, 2016 08:45 PM
19 comments, last by phil67rpg 7 years, 11 months ago

You were working on a game (previous post), and you shelved another one.

Try continuing one of those, and taking it to completion.

Hello to all my stalkers.

well I have decided to develop a breakout variant with a space invaders shooting capability, I am trying to be as original as possible. My project is actually coming along very well in other words I am making good progress.

Tic tac toe is great because it doesn't require graphics. Just printing out three lines of text, then accept some input:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

(input 5)

1 2 o
4 x 6
7 8 9

(input 1)

x 2 o
4 x 6
7 8 o


The easy randomly-generated ai can be coded up in a matter of minutes for an experienced developer.

actually I am working a breakout game and am making good progress.

when you master the ball rebound, try to change angles according to where it was

well after I get done reading a tutorial on c++ I am going back to working on my text based, c++ based space game. I took some time off from programming in c++ to allow the language to sink in a little bit.


well this is not a game but I am working on programming an ATM machine simulation program.

well I have read C++ for Dummies 7th ed. for the second time.

I have just read The OpenGL Superbible 4th Ed. and now I am working on the OpenGL Shading Language 2 ed.

well I have done a pong game, what game should I do next?

What do you mean? Are you looking for another project or suggestions about how to improve your current game?

Developer with a bit of Kickstarter and business experience.

YouTube Channel: Hostile Viking Studio
Twitter: @Precursors_Dawn

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