
The Problem With Capitalism

Started by August 03, 2016 11:17 AM
221 comments, last by slayemin 7 years, 10 months ago

Wait, so you're saying decisions that affect us all should only be made by self-appointed corporate controllers with no collective oversight, but that's OK because there will be collective oversight to control their decisions?

I am not sure I did comprehend. I cannot react a bit :(

Why is someone reactable and solvable to marketable power of money- it is a comunist who forbids them, yet empowers very them, is trying to rule them!

Leviathan six rules:

-This shared will raise a folk for whom money is an ultimate acquire- (rule number one)

- the marketable money will rule work and share (rule number two)

- The money will gain ultimate power ower any executing power out there (rule number three)

- The money will rule over justice, execution, and will market out any aspect of a living being (rule number four)

- An ultimate apointed authority will fill the ultimate manipulating power of money (rule number five)

- The Leviathan standing over law of supreme manipulation will build ultimate rule and perspective and justice and functional moralty (rule number six)

Welcome to Leviathan.

(You fight against monetary authority by stealing it and redistributing it?) Ha ha haaaa?

Was that badly translated from anther language? Because none of it made anything approaching sense.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

I think it's a mistake of false dilemma to say, "Not capitalism, therefore communism!" because the options/choices for economic systems are broader than communism or capitalism.

No capitalist country today is "pure" capitalistic. They all pretty much have a mixed system, where state is supposed to regulate the market and provide some welfare to the more economically vulnerable. Some countries do it more, some less.

If we're talking about a succeeding system to capitalism, and nore merely reforming capitalism which has been done time and time again, and it's not some form of socialism, then what do you propose it will be?

I mean, in your original post, you said :

When the costs of production have essentially been reduced to zero, why maintain a monetary system at all? What's the point? When the costs to produce something have been reduced to nearly zero, why not just make everything free? What would a society look like where anything anyone could ever want is readily available? The notion of material possessions becomes kind of meaningless. Who cares if your neighbor has a 52 inch television, when you could order one and get it at any time you wish? The concept of measuring worth by material possessions becomes antiquated. When our daily pursuits for mere survival are replaced by pursuits of leisure, I think the natural human tendency is to become creative and to share our creative works with each other (game development being one of those creative pursuits).

What you're describing is...communism, dude. Like, straight up. Why does the mere word scare you? A stateless, classless, "everyone according to their needs" post-scarcity society is exactly what communism is.

Marx's concept of a post-capitalist communist society involves the free distribution of goods made possible by the abundance provided by automation.[26] The fully developed communist economic system is postulated to develop from a preceding socialist system. Marx held the view that socialism—a system based on social ownership of the means of production—would enable progress toward the development of fully developed communism by further advancing productive technology. Under socialism, with its increasing levels of automation, an increasing proportion of goods would be distributed freely.[27]

This is, like, exactly what you described in the post I quoted, but at the same time you say "it doesn't have to be communism!", merely because the word itself scares you because of its associations. I don't blame you entirely. But the (future) society you describe already has a name.

You guys realize "Communist Russia" didn't ever actually *achieve* communism or even came close to it, right? It was called "Communist" because it was ruled by the Communist Party whose stated goal was to reach communism at some unspecified point in the future, after overthrowing capitalism and passing through the necessary(according to Marx-Lenin) states of socialism and "dictatorship of the proletariat" and all that. No official of the Party in their right mind ever claimed they had achieved communism. That would be entirely laughable, considering that, by definition, a communist society is a stateless one, and they would have to dismantle the Party and the State in that case as unneeded and obsolete. :P

I get your point that the initial post was about how sustainable capitalism is as a system, but you can't really keep real-world politics out of discussions like this.

But anyway, if we're going to steer the thread back on course, let's consider this, because yours is hardly a new idea :

Marx did not believe in the elimination of most physical labor through technological advancements alone in a capitalist society, because he believed capitalism contained within it certain tendencies which countered increasing automation and prevented it from developing beyond a limited point, so that manual industrial labor could not be eliminated until the overthrow of capitalism.[28] Some commentators on Marx have argued that at the time he wrote the Grundrisse, he thought that the collapse of capitalism due to advancing automation was inevitable despite these counter-tendencies, but that by the time of his major work Capital: Critique of Political Economy he had abandoned this view, and came to believe that capitalism could continually renew itself unless overthrown.[29][30][31]

So, basically :

1) Elimination of most physical(or even menial-repetitive intellectual one, due to AI) labour will inevitably come through technological advancements alone, so we basically wait until that happens, capitalism grinds to a halt because of this, and then we replace it with a more sustainable system that allows everyone to enjoy the fruits of this technology.

or :

2) Capitalism will find ways to re-invent and reform itself, limit the technological advancements and their application exactly in order to avoid breaking down, and if we want this post-scarcity society to happen, political action must be taken in order overthrow capitalism and replace it with a system whose stated goal will be to reach this post-scarcity society as soon as possible, and not avoid it.

I have never read anything by Marx, but it sounds like I should pick up some of his writings and give it a good, critical reading. But, before I read his works, I should probably write my position out in full detail so that I'm not influenced by his work and merely create a derivative copy of it. I won't do that here though. It's something worthy of spending a couple months thinking and writing down.

I know "true" communism has never really existed as an economic state for a large number of people. There are small scale versions of true communism at work in the world, however: There is a remote tribe of indigenous people in the deep jungles of the amazon rain forest which have no concept of money or wealth, and everyone works to provide for the betterment of the community. I have no idea what kinds of rules they have in place for people who don't work though. In their society, work is manual and seems mandatory for the sake of survival, so... they're not exactly the best example of a futuristic economic system.

I may be totally wrong here, but it's my understanding that in the modern definition of communism, "private property" is non-existent. Everything is owned by the "state". This personal laptop I'm on could theoretically be taken and used by someone else. That would be a huge setback for me because it has a lot of games, personal preferences, and files I personally own and want to preserve. So, whatever economic system is in place, absolutely has to respect the idea of personal property and possessions. I have to be able to own my own house, my own bed, my own car, and anything else that could be considered a personal possession, and I can't worry that it would be taken by anyone else for any reason.

So... I'm personally not scared of using the word communism, or thinking about it as a viable economic system; I just avoid using that term because I think that is a pre-defined system which may not be exactly right on what a post-labor society actually needs or uses.

One interesting argument someone could throw at me is the claim that there will never actually be a shortage of work. And by work, I mean meaningful, real work. We could create thousands of fake jobs for the sake of keeping people busy, but that would be both redundant and demeaning the ultimate goal of humanity: less work.

Someone could also say that it's impossible to eliminate all work. You would most likely want a human being to be your heart surgeon. Heart surgery takes skill to perform well, and experience to know what to do when things go wrong. It would be very difficult to create an equally adept robot. So... heart surgery will most likely always be done by a human, and heart surgery requires about a decade of study and work to become proficient at it. In a capitalist / materialist economic system, that time and effort is rewarded with huge paychecks. Pure altruism is insufficient motivation. I know this is not really an original argument against communism, but the point is to hopefully illustrate that not all jobs can be eliminated with technological advances, and there are jobs which have a lot of value and necessity, so we'd want those jobs to continue to be done in whatever economic system we end up with.

Another interesting solution would be to gradually reduce the length of the work week. Instead of working 40 hour weeks, the hours people work are reduced down to 35, then gradually down to 30, then down to 25, etc. until people are working 5 hours a week, maybe less. They're not paid as hourly employees, but as salaried employees, so whether they work 40 hours or 5 hours, they still make $75k / year.

Another argument could be made, where someone says that capitalism is just fine and will always be sustainable because the laws of supply and demand dictate the price of goods and services. The ability of the market to pay for a product or service would dictate the price of it. If nobody can buy a 52 inch plasma TV for $800, the price will drop until people can pay for it, even if it drops to $5. Products like the 52 inch TV are made of components which each have costs of production, with each component being created from raw resources; So the producer is continuously playing a game of margins and mark up against the production costs. If the cost of product eventually decreases down to $0.25, selling a plasma TV for $5 would still be a huge markup from the production costs, and most people could afford something that costs $5. That price is so low that it's nearly indistinguishable from free.

Anyways, maybe the true solution lies somewhere in between the modern capitalist economic model and a socialist / communist model? Or, maybe there's something else superior to both, waiting to be discovered / invented?


I may be totally wrong here, but it's my understanding that in the modern definition of communism, "private property" is non-existent. Everything is owned by the "state". This personal laptop I'm on could theoretically be taken and used by someone else. That would be a huge setback for me because it has a lot of games, personal preferences, and files I personally own and want to preserve. So, whatever economic system is in place, absolutely has to respect the idea of personal property and possessions. I have to be able to own my own house, my own bed, my own car, and anything else that could be considered a personal possession, and I can't worry that it would be taken by anyone else for any reason.

I have addressed this on my previous posts. Socialists/Communists make a very real distinction between private and personal property. Capitalism does not. Everything you described is considered personal property.

The distinction here has meaning; what communists are interested in are the means of productions being socially owned. Your laptop, your house, your car, your bed, do not fall under that category. They are personal property, not private property, and are used to satisfy your personal needs, not generate and accumulate wealth and employ other people. That's why the distinction is made. Your personal property is guaranteed in a communist society. You can own your PC, your house, your car, your bed, your photo album, your DVD collection. You can't own a mountain though.

I guess we can argue whether the laptop can be used as a "means of production" if the product is software - think Notch and how he made millions by writing a program and distributing it through the internet - I got to admit I'm not really sure myself how marxism would apply to this kind of digital "manufacturing/distribution", where "cloning" and distributing the product comes at a near-zero cost - I mean, imagine that applied to material products and not just digital ones, and we already arrive to the post-scarcity society we are talking about.

Leviathan six rules:

Was that badly translated from another language? Because none of it made anything approaching sense.


I think it was translated.

JohnnyCode, your 'Leviathan' sounds like Globalization under a single International Central Bank.

We could create thousands of fake jobs for the sake of keeping people busy, but that would be both redundant and demeaning the ultimate goal of humanity: less work.

US Employee 'outsourced job to China'

More American Workers Outsourcing Own Jobs Overseas

"Big Pharma has the cure for cancer, they just don't release it because it's more profitable to treat it than to cure it once and for all."

I actually know the 3, 4, 5 6 cures for cancer --but I'm just not going to tell you them.

I may be totally wrong here, but it's my understanding that in the modern definition of communism, "private property" is non-existent. Everything is owned by the "state".

You're totally wrong. In communism, there is no "state." That's socialism, a transitional form of social organization in which the means of production is centrally administered. In communism, each worker owns his or her own tools and gives according to their ability, takes according to need all without a central authority ("the state") to dictate those wants and needs.

Like most political and economic theories, it does a piss-poor job of taking human nature into account.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

Another argument could be made, where someone says that capitalism is just fine and will always be sustainable because the laws of supply and demand dictate the price of goods and services. The ability of the market to pay for a product or service would dictate the price of it.

We've been there for quite a while.

It takes what, $10,000,000 to create the first copy of a game. The cost of additional copies of that game is zero, and there is an infinite supply of those copies. The law of supply and demand states that because the supply is infinite, the price the market will bear will approach zero very quickly. The reality is that in order to recoup the cost of the first copy, the capitalists will manipulate the market by artificially restricting the supply to keep the price high enough to not only recover costs but continue to earn revenue as long as possible.

In similar industries such as music, the ability for the capitalists to manipulate the market for profit has already collapsed and they are no longer able to facilitate artificial scarcity without the help of government authority. Meanwhile the first-copy creators are finding ways to generate income by relying on something that still has scarcity: usually their personal presence.

We are definitely on the verge of a post-scarcity, post-capitalist society in many respects. However, as long as the supply of tangible goods can be restricted through physical means, there will be capitalism at work.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer


Like most political and economic theories, it does a piss-poor job of taking human nature into account.
I think the most strong argument against the whole thing based on "human nature" is to find an incentive for people to actually perform in jobs that aren't exactly very rewarding or creative.
That is, I don't think "greed" is the real problem here - most people don't get to satisfy their greed under capitalism either. I think the natural tendency for laziness and avoiding unpleasurable labour is kind of a problem though.
I'm under the impression the Marxian position on this is that, when the means of production are socially owned, the worker will no longer be "alienated" to the product of his work, so he won't have any reason to avoid it because he will know his work is benefitial to the community.
Like, the workers that are digging holes outside of our offices to fix water pipes right now, in socialism they will work "happily" because they will have the knowledge that the community, which they are an integral part of, needs those water pipes, and their work will be amongst the most respected.
Now, all this is well and good and true in theory, but unfortunately when your bed is warm and soft, outside is cold and rainy, and the alarm is set at 6:30, all that kind of goes outside the window. If you can say one thing about Marx and Engels, is that they had only a theoretical conception of the dreaded alarm clock - the lived experience is something else. :P
Until we do arrive in the post-scarcity society when jobs like these will be delegated to robots, leaving humans only the creative/fullfiling portion of labour, there has to be some way to "punish"/discipline unproductive people and reward productive ones. And since there won't be a private "boss" over your head to threaten you with job termination, some kind of state/authority will still be needed. This is kinda where the problems start, how to implement this without going full-authoritarian and bureaucratic, requiring a huge state mechanism to keep track of "productivity quotas", which will inevitably lead to favouritism, punishment/rewards based on qualities irrelevant to actual productivity(like loyalty to the Party), the bureaucrats getting too comfy in their positions and "forgetting" that the purpose of this transitional state is to "wither away", utterly ludicrous efforts to build a "work ethic" such as stakhanovism, etc etc. But I don't think it's an unsolvable problem.

I think the most strong argument against the whole thing based on "human nature" is to find an incentive for people to actually perform in jobs that aren't exactly very rewarding or creative.

That's still making the same mistake about human nature. One of the most important aspects of human nature is that everybody has different needs and desires.not everyone is covetous of others' good and greedy enough to try to acquire them at all expenses, and not everyone resents doing mindless repetitive work. Enlightened self-interest is not a single, scientifically measurable and competently engineerable entity.

Even in a post-scarcity society there will be someone who figures out how to exploit the system for personal gain above and beyond the needs of comfort and security, and they will put that plan into action and become king of the hill. Whatever post-scarcity economic system (economics == equitable system for the distribution of scarce resources) you can develop, it will need a series of checks and balances to prevent such exploits, and the checks and balances will need to be the easy path.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

Even in a post-scarcity society there will be someone who figures out how to exploit the system for personal gain above and beyond the needs of comfort and security, and they will put that plan into action and become king of the hill. Whatever post-scarcity economic system (economics == equitable system for the distribution of scarce resources) you can develop, it will need a series of checks and balances to prevent such exploits, and the checks and balances will need to be the easy path.

Maybe each socialist society/community will just have to figure out what those checks and balances will be after the efforts of "exploiting the system" have been made and thwarted and learned from the experience(and we already have some of it from the USSR experiment, though conditions in the future will be quite different). You can't possibly expect the socialists to design on paper the perfect system, checks and balances included, before they start making an effort towards building a socialist movement.

[Up votes Bregma's last 2nd last comment]

I'm going throw around this phrase again (especially since Gian-Reto is back and I promised to explain what I meant, some time ago.)

Multi-Generational Planning

Good land will always remain the most-expensive life-essential commodity/asset.

The newest generation would ideally be the next-in-line to inherit land from their great-grand-parents. If on average parents have 3 kids or more, the population will continue to rise and land will be subdivided. If 2, lands stays generally the same, while if the avg. couple had only one child, after about the 4th generation the number of people declines and property sizes have a chance to start expanding again or give more people the opportunity to own more than one property (i.e. one residential, another for business, or vocational/seasonal).

I'm going to post my simple example and its question again:

If you have two identical islands and on one island parents in the tribe/community make the conscientious decision to bear no more than two children, while on the other island parents of the tribe/community simply don't consider it, after a few generations it may lead to inequality amongst the islands (even though ironically, equality remains stable on at least one island - you know which one).

Who is ultimately responsible and what do you think might happen?

Some people are rich, some people are poor, and some others go to war.

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