I have many game ideas. 3 are well fleshed out stories. 1 i have been working on for 6 years or so, but i know it would be to hard to build by myself or even a small team. 1 could be built with a small team working for a long time on it. and the third would be easily done in a few months of spare time. I'm good at coming up with ideas people say are cool. but after years of trying to learn C++ and C# the only thing i have learned, is I'm no programmer. i mean i can do basic code like setting up controls and ray casting, but stuff like AI is not in my skill set. So I'm looking for a coder and a graphic artist to help get the easiest of the 3 off the ground to fund the second and the second to fund the third. The third would be a new and ground breaking game that takes minecraft idea mixed with civilization and spore, with a new mechanic not seen in any game i have played or heard of.
Ok so the game i need help with is 3d side scroller loosely based off contra with space aliens. where they've taken your wife eve and you have to fight them to get her back 30 levels 3 acts with a few good twists, 3 boss battles, and a twisted sense of humor.
What i need. Artist and Programmer
Artist to make enemy and player assets.(i can animate) Maybe a few environment details to. so 5 basic enemy per act and 3 bosses... so around 20 models
Coder to help/make AI and traps and power ups, maybe a few other assets.