What The Heck, Dude?
Today is a special day. The state authorities have decided to hold a very unusual and unpredictable experiment. They want to know how people are going to behave if given a total freedom, so they have decided to allow people to do whatever they may wish within an hour’s time. Today, during a period of 60 minutes, everyone is allowed to do anything. Everyone has been warned that no crimes are now considered unlawful and no one is going to come to help you if any disaster happens. Some would prefer to hide from this madness in their homes while others would take it as a chance to make some of their dreams come true, and there will also those who would simply wish to live it up. The scene of the game is a small town called Palomino Creek, and it is now up to you what you will be doing in the next hour.
"What The Heck, Dude?" is an open-world sandbox game. The main objective is to enjoy what you are doing. You can do whatever you want. You can explore the town, steal a car, find money and spend it to buy something, kill someone, enter any building, destroy any object, and so on.
First gameplay video: