
Crop Fertility Regions (Colonial Americas)

Started by July 22, 2016 12:03 AM
1 comment, last by Servant of the Lord 8 years, 5 months ago

I making a crossover of "colonization" and "port royale". You build colonies and run plantations and trade and fight in America (15th-19th century).

I need "crop fertility" to be region specific (where you can build each type of plantation). The map below is my idea so far.

White = cotton

Northern brown = tobacco

Yellow = sugarcane

Blue = indigo

Southern brown = cacao

Does this make some sence? Historically these crops could grow even more diversely i think but this is narrowed for gameplay reasons. Would you change or flip some of the fertilities? (the crops themselves I am satisfied with).

The region for indigo is extra arbitrary:) I find little references to it so this is what suits me gameplay wise the best right now.


The range for tobacco is extremely off, if you're going for historical/geographic accuracy. At the very least, it should extend north to the Chesapeake Bay, and really should extend up to the Connecticut river valley in New England, as there was extensive cultivation there as early as 1640.

I think the tobacco and cotton regions might actually want to be switched. Cotton plantations were more located in the Deep South and lower Mississippi, roughly in an ark from Charleston to New Orleans and then up to Vicksburg.

Eric Richards

SlimDX tutorials -

Twitter - @EricRichards22


You can also overlay real crop production maps over your map of the world, and then use that as a basis for your regions (or general guideline - some or even alot of fudging the lines is fine, if gameplay-important).

For example, if you lay these two maps over yours:

You get this map:


Some fudging of the lines will ofcourse be required.

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