
Do My Swordsmen Look Like Cyborgs?

Started by July 20, 2016 02:45 PM
14 comments, last by AstroGiGi 8 years, 6 months ago



These guys are meant to be some mid-age swordsmen

(The sprites are right from 3ds Max render)

Do they look like cyborgs?

Is it more like a Starcraft terran with a.. sword?

Or is everything fine?

Or you could give some advices how to make them look more human? With not much 3d modeling, I'll be very thankful

The sprite (just a stand animation yet) png is attached

Added later:

Version 2:


Added later:

Version 3 (with UI changes):


Added later:

Version 4:


They look a bit like the Warcraft footmen, particularly the WC2 version, although that may be more that they share a similar color scheme.


Perhaps adding some flesh tones, with a more open-style helmet, or less armor on the arms/hands, like the WC 1 footman. The sort of 3/4 top-down perspective here makes it difficult, provided they are in full-plate type armor like that.

Eric Richards

SlimDX tutorials -

Twitter - @EricRichards22


The blue shoulder pads (?) dominate the image, so that's really all I can see at a first glance. So they end up looking like big buggy eyes or something.

Maybe make the body stand out more from the green background, reduce the intensity of the blue, and maybe draw more attention to the sword?

Just thought of what they reminded me of:

I think the relatively big armor gives them a bit of a robocop look to me.

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They look like football players that have snapped and are going on a stabbing spree.

I immediately see the blue shoulders (is the right word, pauldron?) and then the green selection indicator. I can barely see the swords at all against the green grass. Without any context as to what I'm supposed to be seeing, yes, I'd probably think they're robots or some kind of machine. (Though I suppose a knight in full plate looks somewhat mechanical when you think about it.)

Maybe try making the swords brighter and see what happens. And if possible, add in some other items to fill out the setting with more of a mid-age appearance. Also, the selection cursor and health bars strike me as being more for a sci-fi genre game. Maybe try a circular or oval selection indicator at the feet of the knights and a full rectangle health bar with no breaks in it.


Thank you all, you helped me a lot ^_^

I'm convinced now that the 3d model needs details. The style approaches Warcraft II but the quality isn't.

I should remake armor pads, add details to sword, change selection and healthbar, though it must have breaks, but I will search for suitable design

I shall come back soon with a better version


Is it much better or not really?

(No UI changes yet)


I have to do something with this back also

I think they look quite a bit nicer. The hint of gold on the hilt of the sword is a nice touch, and it looks like there is more facial definition in the helmet.

The only thing that bothers me is the sprite is left-handed in some poses and right-handed in others...

Eric Richards

SlimDX tutorials -

Twitter - @EricRichards22

The only thing that bothers me is the sprite is left-handed in some poses and right-handed in others...

This is simplification same as Warcraft 2 has, 5 direction sprites instead of 8. I will get rid of that in future, but for now it seems to make things a little bit easier

What I have now:


Here are UI changes, it now looks less sci-fi, I guess

As I am getting experience I can now understand that I shall make a better torso armor. It should have a little more volume and shades.

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