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Your Preferred Os And Why

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67 comments, last by Truanger 7 years, 10 months ago

Do ppl willfully switch from win 7 to 10? My experiences with win 10 is that its like a windows 7 where they removed your power to choose and make stuff hard to access (probably with the mentality "lets not scare dumb users")

They do, presumably because the kernel is so much better and more modern. And I guess because of DX. Then again the May 2016 update for Win7 installs the newest version of the kernel, so...

I think the description that you give is rather accurate. It's like fixing the things that they broke with Windows 8, but mixing a tiny amount of them in, so it still looks like Windows 7 again... almost, but not exactly. Without Aero effects, but you still pay the cost for a compositing window manager (why... I cannot tell you).

Plus some extra stuff that is admittedly very nice and which I'd like to have too (including the whole VM stuff, run-off-USB, Unix compat layer including NFS support which allegedly existed since pretty much forever (at least since Win7, but I never managed to find it!) and newest DX and a new, presumably better, Internet Exploder).

Plus... an awful lot of stuff that you probably don't want but for which you have no option of not having, and entirely inacceptable license terms which basically say Microsoft own all yer stuffs.

Do ppl willfully switch from win 7 to 10? My experiences with win 10 is that its like a windows 7 where they removed your power to choose and make stuff hard to access (probably with the mentality "lets not scare dumb users")

I did.

I don't buy the "dumbing down" complaint that I've seen a lot of, both here and elsewhere. The tools available on 10 - even a stock install - are much more powerful than on 7.

Reasons why I moved included:

  • DirectX 12
  • Better support for SSDs
  • RSAT for Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 and 2016 features.
  • PowerShell 5.0
  • Maximum RAM increase in Home editions from 16gb to 128gb.
  • Hyper-V.
  • Pinnable live tiles in Start menu.
  • Storage Spaces.
  • Improved ISO, WIM and VHD support.
  • Etc.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

My preferred OS? The one I'm currently using that isn't crashing or giving me headaches.

I bounce between Windows 8.1 and 10, along with a few versions of OS X, and various installs of Linux.

In my view they're all trash with nothing where it should be and randomly broken in so many ways, but my interest is in using computers as tools to get stuff done rather than spending my life building an OS that works as I envision one should.

There are things that I greatly dislike about them all, and features I enjoy that come baked into standard installs. The important aspect is whether or not they run the software I need.

Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.

Skimming through posts it seems most people's preference is based on tools and programs usage convenience, which gets my job/work done most efficiently, with which OS i feel naturally at ease with most also polling high. And which OS is least jerky...

But no one seem to have made a choice based on vulnerability, security - which is the most vulnerable to loop holes attacks (and should be avoided most) and which is the most secured and should be most preferred.

In this regard, traditionally, Unix based OSes used to have clear daylight over windows. So why is this no longer an issue? Probably windows defender has now become so good, its neutralised these vulnerabilities or closed the gaps to Linux??

Or maybe I skimmed too quickly and someone actually mentioned it?

EDIT: Oh I completely forgot to add this....

...and entirely inacceptable license terms which basically say Microsoft own all yer stuffs.

Is this samoth being samoth ... exaggerating to spice up and liven things up Or is it really true that signing up to Windows 10 license and installing makes Microsoft own the work you develop on your PC?

Can you post relevant extracts from the License terms please

BTW before you ask .... I'm one of those who can't be bother to read the lengthy T&Cs, because it too long, full of legal jargon & BS that most lay people probably can't interpret anyway

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

Do ppl willfully switch from win 7 to 10? My experiences with win 10 is that its like a windows 7 where they removed your power to choose and make stuff hard to access (probably with the mentality "lets not scare dumb users")

You're mistaking Win10 for Win8. :wink:

Win10 is Win7 but upgraded. I love the new start menu, and I love a dozen tiny improvements they made here and there. I don't use the Metro apps... and that doesn't hinder me whatsoever. (well, I do use the Metro calculator, and am not too fond of it)

Here's my start menu: (it can be alot more compact than this, but I made it this wide by choice)


Can you post relevant extracts from the License terms please

*facepalm* That's exactly what he wanted you to ask.

Microsoft's license is stupidly broadly written, so their legal butt-covering is genuinely scary, but how they actually use it (as far as we know) is much tamer than Facebook and Google. Do you want Microsoft to tell you they have a concealed carry license and are carrying a gun, or do you want Google and Facebook to shoot you with a gun with the serial number filed off? :D

(One of the reasons Microsoft's licenses are broadly written, is because Microsoft uses a few general licenses for a dozen or so different services and pieces of software, so it has to cover things like reading, accessing, storing files, because it includes everything from Onedrive (Microsoft's Dropbox competitor), to Cortana, and Windows, and so on).

There's a lot more eyes (consumer, corporate, and government) watching Microsoft than are watching Google and Facebook, and if Microsoft does anything on our computers, consumers have the tech to detect, since it is software running on our machines. Plus, Microsoft has historically been rather too incompetent (corporate in-fighting) to be organized evil. Google says, "Our motto is 'Don't be Evil', just trust us" but everything is hidden on their own servers, where no government or consumer can verify their claims of what they don't do.

So this is consumer choice. I'd also trust Microsoft to leverage evilness far sloppier than Apple would, but in-general, I think healthy skepticism of corporations is a good thing. I've personally weighed the pros and cons and went with Win10, though if I was a Linux user, that'd be preferable in terms of privacy.

*facepalm* That's exactly what he wanted you to ask.

It's funny how you know exactly what I want :)

I couldn't care less but discuss Microsoft's license. It's publicly available so everyone can read it, and they may change it any time (or have changed it since I last looked, I'm not checking every week, you know). But when I last read it, it was just that, we ownz yer stuffs. For me, that is no go.

We have a different perspective on things. Other than you, I don't believe in God, and in the good in men. I believe in the Devil, and he is in every man. Some people manage to suppress him, but in the end man is evil by nature.

So, other than you, I do not assume that if the license terms says something in particular, then this is not exactly what they really mean or what they will do. I don't believe that a profit organization has the greater good in mind and will not exploit the legal terms that you agreed to -- to the letter.

That being said, the license is totally inacceptable for me. Does not mean it has to be inacceptable for you.

You can post your entire life on Facebook, too, if you want (millions of people do!). No hard feelings, I won't think lowly of you because of that. Only just don't come crying when in 5-10 years it turns out that this wasn't such a great idea, and something really nasty (I'll leave that to your imagination) happens. You can buy one of these self-driving cars that are so much safer, too.

But as far as I'm concerned, no thank you. To finish this with a quote from Donald Knuth (I have to write it down from memory, so one or two words might be wrong):

What I would tell to young people? Don't believe that just because something is trendy, that means that it is good. Concentrate on what you think is important, not what is trendy. Because in the end, that will be what is important.

You can post your entire life on Facebook, too, if you want (millions of people do!).
No hard feelings, I won't think lowly of you because of that.

Oh you can bet I stay ten thousand miles away from Facebook.
This is my response to anyone who uses Facebook.

I understand your Win10 concerns, I have some concerns about some of Microsoft's policies, but everytime I get too concerned, Microsoft ends up shooting themselves in the foot publicly, conveniently nullifying my problem. I'm betting on Microsoft's 900-lb gorilla policies preventing it from being sophisticatedly evil; but that's not a bet I expect everyone else to also make. Plus, the new Microsoft CEO has streamlined the organization surprisingly well, so maybe they can aspire to true evil in another year or two.

My preferred OS would be Windows 8.1 (the last gentlemen Windows) but I sadly use Windows 10 without claws (as much as possible without apps, telemetry, defender etc) because I was intending to develop Windows apps (now I don't) , use multiple desktops (nowhere near what I imagined) but seems I got used to a bit. But nowadays I really question why I don't roll back to Windows 8.1

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden

Do ppl willfully switch from win 7 to 10? My experiences with win 10 is that its like a windows 7 where they removed your power to choose and make stuff hard to access (probably with the mentality "lets not scare dumb users")

I've been on it since it went live (not betas / prerelease) and haven't found anything to be "hard to find".

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