I have a HoloLens. It's a really cool toy, but attempting to sell this device to the general public would be a disaster and MS knows it. I think there's a wonderful future ahead for AR googles when they get the tech and use cases nailed, but VR is here now and AR is just a prototype.
By the way, the surprising amazing thing about the HoloLens isn't the holograms - it's the world tracking. I can lay down holograms in a couple offices and the hallways, and wander about freely and it always knows exactly where I am. And it persists the world correctly at all times. No cameras or laser projectors or outboard sensors needed. This makes room-scale VR look like child's play.
Lastly, on the subject of VR: Vive is fantastic. The dual tracked controllers actually give you a real tactile sense into the world. Oculus, on the other hand, sucks due to not having it. (Although their optics might be better, I'm still deciding.) Being in VR and using an Xbox controller to play is weird and disconnected and fundamentally not that fun. (The single camera setup also means Oculus has some nasty occlusion issues.) Vive feels like what VR should be. Hopefully Oculus Touch will address the issue later this year.