To all the proffesionals at Videogame programming :D
So i was about to writte a reaaaaally long post, but lets make it shorter:
The summer before I start highschool i learned c++ programming on my own. When i start hisghschool, the first computer-lab-class the teacher told us we where going to learn c++ programming through the year. I was really exited.
But in one year we only learned the really basics, actually just printing messages and small operations. I was disappointed. And by the way im really good at math (final grade: 9.1 out of 10).
In my first year in highschool i was the only one who get 10 as final grade on computer class while the rest of my classmates struggle to literally open codeblocks.
I learned more in 1 month on my pc than 1 year on highschool. And i actually want to dedicate my life to programming
I already get tired of chemistry books, history books, universal literature and so. I want to leave that and already dedicate my whole time to game programming, but i have to study and i cant practice programming as much as i want to.
I was thinking in leaving school, and then read books, forums and take classes of digital arts online, with books and forums like this, with the internet maybe i can learn more, and learn what i really want to, what is going to actually be useful in my future.
So yeah, the question is:
Whats more important when looking for a job? experience and knowledge or a degree at some career? even without any experience.
I mean, if you are looking for someone, 2 guys apply, and the first guy says
"I have i degree at whatever you need, BUT i have never worked in a company before",
and then the second guys tells you
"Im really good at whatever you need, look some of my works *shows experience*. I also have laboral experience and so. BUT i dont have a degree at anything."
Which one would you hire? And also whats your recomendation for me? someone who wants to learn Digital Arts in general and is not sure about his life decisions. I love everything, from prgramming to drawing concept art and stuff like that. I´d also like to learn web design, photography, android programming, voice acting... well, Digital Arts.
Thanks, and have an excellent week.