Hello, I have been working on my first serious project for around 7 months now. It is a 2D, pixel art, sad, story based game. I have already created a prologue for it and I have drawn most of the characters that I needed so far but I'm not really that good at drawing and it consumes much more time than anything else in this game development. I will be posting the prologue as a demo here soon but first I wanted to make the whole main menu stuff and for that I need an image drawn, I already made a sketch but I need someone to complete the whole image. It's basically the main character sitting in an armchair, smoking and looking through a window. The game is set in post-apocalyptic world, so everything should look broken/abandoned.
Here are some screenshots from the game, green guy is the main character.
Here is the sketch I made:
I'm also thinking about animating a few areas, for example the cigarette but I guess I could do that myself after the image would be done.
If you are interested, please reply here or contact me by email martynasbra@gmail.com
I'm not going to post this game on steam once it's made so the only income would be from ad revenue, however I would share that income.