I do not have passion - passion is too fickle and unreliable to be appropriate in the workplace. I got laid off from my last place of employment because too many people with "passion" didn't do their job. I would never hire a person with "passion"
May be you are misunderstanding what passion means in the general context of a work place. Another way of stating this is - loving your job, wanting to be there, wanting to do the job (... not just for the sake of the pay-check), wanting to learn more and progress in the career.
If you satisfy this then you have sufficient passion for your career
I see life as something to endure - I continue living only to spite my enemies.
I have become jaded thanks to a lifetime of predators attacking me since toddlerhood, and what few people I thought were my allies turn traitor at the most damning opportunity.
I program because it is the strongest skill I know, and the only skill in demand enough where someone might overlook their hatred of the other enough to hire me. But even that is coming to a close - people have grown to hate the other so much I have become unemployable.
I suppose it makes no difference now - I have been priced out of the apartment market, and will be homeless come September. I am guaranteed not to get a job then.
Step out of yourself for a moment so you can take an objective view. I've been there. Its seems the whole world hates you and all is crashing down on you. But you need to step out of yourself in order be objective
Write down your strong points (assets and skills).
Write down the good things you have done and are proud of
write down things you have created and produced
write down the qualities that you think gave you your previous jobs
Write down your weak points and skills you lack.
Write down the bad things you observe have done and not proud of
write down things you wish you can do and create but can't
write down the qualities that you lack that lost you the jobs at your previous interviews
Be very mindful of A and B and take some steps to work on improving A and overcoming B. You can start a project to hone your skills. You can join some volunteer group to improve your inter-personal communication skills and social and professional relationship skills. When things go wrong don't be quick to think it the other people's fault (it may well be) but first look inwards at your self first. Have a person close to you (spouse, best friend...) to critique you first, and try to be open minded
Repeat the above and gradually, hopefully, you will see changes