
The Week of Awesome IV ! - Fourth annual unofficial competition - Administration thread.

Started by May 28, 2016 06:53 PM
86 comments, last by SilviuShader 8 years, 1 month ago

This confuses me:
"Theme: 20 pts (that is, how well the game incorporates the theme, 5 points are given for each theme implemented(a total of 10 points available))"

I think you said you are providing 4 themes (two art-related and two gameplay-related?). So do you mean each theme gets between 0-5 points based on how well that theme is implemented, for a total of 20 points?

Thanks for catching that, each theme will give you 10 points, not 5, it was my mistake to write 5. Theme will be fairly easy points to net this year.

I have a question:
Do I take it correctly then that including more than two of the themes would not confer any bonus points? (This does seem fair to me; if there were an advantage to including more themes, then the de facto maximum score involves doing so, defeating the point (if I gather it correctly) of having a choice of themes.)

no, there is no bonus for more than 2 themes being implemented, however i fail to see how this "defeats the point" of multiple themes? You are not limited to one gameplay/graphic combo, you can choose both graphics, or both gameplays, but only two need to be implemented.

Oh, one more thing: You give the starting time as 8 August 2016, 00:01 (i.e. the first minute of Monday the eighth of August), and the ending time as 15 August 2016, 23:59 (i.e. the last minute of Monday the fifteenth of August)--by my reckoning that's eight days, not seven. Did you mean for it to end on the 14th?

Thanks, it's midnight the 14th that i meant, not the 15th.

In line with the proposal that perhaps larger prize moneys had contributed to possible angst last year, I will simply match Slicer4ever's donation of $300 to double the current pool.

Thank you for another year of support! hopefully i can get you to compete one of these years as well :P

:( Was really hoping this would occur in the 15-26 august as I had specifically chosen my holidays for this period.
Will let you know whether I can participate, but in all likelihood, I'll be swamped with work then.

sorry mate, i'm trying to gun for the second monday of august as being the start of each contest. why the second monday? no idea, just trying to create a consistent date from here on out.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

I have a question:
Do I take it correctly then that including more than two of the themes would not confer any bonus points? (This does seem fair to me; if there were an advantage to including more themes, then the de facto maximum score involves doing so, defeating the point (if I gather it correctly) of having a choice of themes.)

no, there is no bonus for more than 2 themes being implemented, however i fail to see how this "defeats the point" of multiple themes? You are not limited to one gameplay/graphic combo, you can choose both graphics, or both gameplays, but only two need to be implemented.

Does this mean implementing a theme either in terms of graphics or in terms of gameplay is considered enough to be worth full marks in this category? Or is there like 5 points for visual, 5 points for gameplay per theme? Or is this meant to be completely up to each judge?

This was the category my team had the most varied scores for last year, from 15% to 80% -- a difference I found somewhat surprising at the time.


Due to various deadlines at work, I'm also uncertain whether I can participate this year, but I'm hoping I can join.

Hello to all my stalkers.


I have a question:
Do I take it correctly then that including more than two of the themes would not confer any bonus points? (This does seem fair to me; if there were an advantage to including more themes, then the de facto maximum score involves doing so, defeating the point (if I gather it correctly) of having a choice of themes.)

no, there is no bonus for more than 2 themes being implemented, however i fail to see how this "defeats the point" of multiple themes? You are not limited to one gameplay/graphic combo, you can choose both graphics, or both gameplays, but only two need to be implemented.

Does this mean implementing a theme either in terms of graphics or in terms of gameplay is considered enough to be worth full marks in this category? Or is there like 5 points for visual, 5 points for gameplay per theme? Or is this meant to be completely up to each judge?

correct, choosing to either implement both the gameplay, or both the artistic themes is enough to net full points.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

I have a question:
Do I take it correctly then that including more than two of the themes would not confer any bonus points? (This does seem fair to me; if there were an advantage to including more themes, then the de facto maximum score involves doing so, defeating the point (if I gather it correctly) of having a choice of themes.)

no, there is no bonus for more than 2 themes being implemented, however i fail to see how this "defeats the point" of multiple themes? You are not limited to one gameplay/graphic combo, you can choose both graphics, or both gameplays, but only two need to be implemented.

I meant to say that if there were bonus points awarded for additional inclusion of themes, then it would defeat the point of there being multiple themes.

As I understand it, the idea of having multiple themes is to allow more freedom to entrants in theming of their games. If bonus points were awarded for the inclusion of theme-options beyond the first two, then any team not including more than two would be at a disadvantage, as these "bonus points" would add to the de facto maximum score. This seems likely to discourage people from using only two themes, and thus runs counter to the point of having a choice of themes.

In short, I'm glad that there are no bonus points for the inclusion of additional themes.


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

On second thought, would love to probe interest for a potential partner. Especially an artist if at all possible.

Count me in, as a programmer looking for artist teammates (or going solo if I don't get any).

Two programmers, myself and a friend. We'll be glad to pick up any artists that need a team.


I have a question:
Do I take it correctly then that including more than two of the themes would not confer any bonus points? (This does seem fair to me; if there were an advantage to including more themes, then the de facto maximum score involves doing so, defeating the point (if I gather it correctly) of having a choice of themes.)

no, there is no bonus for more than 2 themes being implemented, however i fail to see how this "defeats the point" of multiple themes? You are not limited to one gameplay/graphic combo, you can choose both graphics, or both gameplays, but only two need to be implemented.

I meant to say that if there were bonus points awarded for additional inclusion of themes, then it would defeat the point of there being multiple themes.

Ah, ok, i misunderstood that.

On second thought, would love to probe interest for a potential partner. Especially an artist if at all possible.

Count me in, as a programmer looking for artist teammates (or going solo if I don't get any).

Two programmers, myself and a friend. We'll be glad to pick up any artists that need a team.

I'll put you both under the looking for members category.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

+1 to the party! :D

Team: Frango Digital

Members: devn00b


Team: DH.

Members DH.

Site: <none>

First jam I'll try, not entering to win, but for the challenge and to receive feedback.

Thanks for this competition in advance and for Josh to link this topic.

+1 to the party! :D

Team: Frango Digital
Members: devn00b

Great to have you guys return, can't wait to see what you'll come up with! :)

Team: DH.
Members DH.
Site: <none>

First jam I'll try, not entering to win, but for the challenge and to receive feedback.
Thanks for this competition in advance and for Josh to link this topic.

I hope the experience will be quite enjoyable, jam's are a great way to test your strengths, and where your abilities lay. I recommend to remember to stay focused on what you want to make when the time comes, and to not fall victim to feature creep. Overall good luck!

I'd also like to direct any contestants to the discord chat: where you will find me and many members of gamedev(including other contestants).
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

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