Let's say I have a game that I am going to publish. His name is NewAwesomeGame007.
Let's say that I think that the game will be successful, because the game idea is original, the gameplay looks pretty well, ecc ecc.
Now, tomorrow I publish this app on google's play store and apple's app store, but I did not registered the name NewAwesomeGame007.
The following day a guy decide to create a game that is called NewAwesomeGame007 and to publish it.
Now, the question is: is possible that Google and Apple don't ensure that there are not two app with the same identical name (or very similar) on their store?
In other words, if I think that my game will have some sort of success, I MUST register the game name? or I can save those 500 dollars and put the app safely on the stores and be sure that Google and Apple "protect" my game name and ensure that there won't be any other game with the same or very similar name?
I think I know the answer, (No), but I want to be sure.
ps: of course this process is referring just to a "first pubblication period", because my idea is to invest those dollars and register the name only after I have published it, and I have clearly seen that the game can do pretty well, but as I have understood up until now, it is very dangerous.