It's for this game (the Emperor focused 4X in space I was writing here about the last 3 or so years :D)
Important premise is that the player does no manage planets (abstracted + obligatory automation), so the player can only give toips what should kind of industry planets have and it take a while for it all to adjust. Simply speaking the player makes an edict "make more mines in the empire" and/or designate a specialization of a specific planet as mining and that's it. There is a lack of precision (it's intentional).
1) Gas
You have various planetary specializations (food, minerals, production, services, gas extraction). I have a problem with gas. It fits well with the game as a resource so I want to keep it but it's flawed in purpose. I'm using it as a fuel for ships (in a very abstract way, a % of ships perform worse in combat/skip turn if there is shortage) but it's weak (gameplay wise) and is doubled (as a limiter of ships quantity I use already manufacturing capacity so I don't need gas to double it).
So, I was thinking of some sort of gas being the fuel the economy (energy source) or something else? In such case you would desire to have a certain ratio of gas to production facilities (farms, mines, etc), which, I don't know... isn't so great I suppose... Not sure.
Ideas? Advices?
2) Power planets (energy source for planets)
It's anothrer thing (actually it could double the gas as energy source so probably it's incompatible with the point above). I would like for planets to have power plants :) Somehow energy infrastructure fits the game I suppose. But, since player can't build those manually (as written at the very top - the player does not manage planets) I was thinking of a "technology level of energy source on a planet" like a planet starts with a steam powered plants, then goes to nuclear, then fusion, etc. You would just need to enable that technology (classic research mechanic) and then planets update their plants level over time (how? can the player affect it?) which would let's say provide a bonus to all production facilities efficiency.
Not sure it would make sense, I could just drop those powerplants...
I know this description is messy, but the topic is quite difficult :) Well, maybe you could think of something.