
Weird Lesson 43 Problem

Started by May 06, 2016 02:46 AM
2 comments, last by Erik Rufelt 8 years, 10 months ago

Hi, I got lesson 43 compiled and running and everything runs right except a few letters in the alphabet won't show up. Uppercase Q, and Lowercase g,j,q,p, and y are the letters that won't show. It just shows a blank space in the text where they're supposed to be. Anyone have that problem or any idea what might cause it? I haven't altered the code at all from the original lesson 43 code btw.

It is difficult to telediagnosis a problem in your special source code but I have to guess that your texture coords arent correctly at all did you checked them?


I tried the code without modifications other than adding Qgjqp to the printed text and they look fine here.. try a different font or text-size and change the string you draw to make sure if it's really those characters that are missing and not certain positions in the string that disappear or similar.

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