
A general question.

Started by May 05, 2016 12:39 AM
2 comments, last by Aspiration 8 years, 10 months ago

Hey all! New to the community and I have read my fair share of articles. I have a slight background in coding but I would consider myself a jack of all trades rather than a master of any. For that reason I pose the question: What is the best way for someone with the creative mindset to design a game with the intent of presenting it to a team of developers(coders)?

In other words I know the logistics of how it should play, characters, classes, lore, economy, community, etc... the basics. What is the best way for me to prepare this to present to my team of techies?

Thanks in advance for any response!

-Your friendly neighborhood n00b

"An army of deer led by a lion is more effective than an army of lions lead by a deer"

Normally you'd write up a design doc that covers everything in the game to whatever level of detail you feel appropriate. You'd want to give gameplay examples, with comparisons to existing games if you can, as well as mockups of levels, UI, etc. That'd be the start. Then you can proceed to trying to prototype the gameplay to see what works and what doesnt, with the understanding that you'll likely be iterating on the design for a while before you start trying to go into full production.


You can take a look at game design documents(GDD) as mentioned above.

But also read this post: Death of the game design document

It explains about some further precautions which you should take.

Also, why is this a general question?

Its a generally specific question :P . I work as a stock trader and typed the entire thing a bit hurriedly, my apologies. Thank you for your response very much! I look forward to checking this info out. :)

"An army of deer led by a lion is more effective than an army of lions lead by a deer"

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