
Creating the game world.

Started by May 01, 2016 01:31 AM
19 comments, last by Tom Sloper 8 years, 10 months ago

why not create , probably the word I am looking for
is a game engine, that can create a program that will simulate a world similar to earth but easily
edited with really generalized tools to shape areas

You're talking about a tool for creating game worlds with. That's off-topic in the Game Design forum,
so I'm moving it elsewhere. (Level designers might conceivably use this tool you envision, but it would
not be a game designer or level designer who would create the tool.)

-- Tom Sloper --

Okay thanx for telling me how. But for real. Im only 14 so I have time, i dont see why we shouldn't shoot for perfect. We have time. I want to figure out how to join the process to make this a more real goa because i think once we can replicate every speck of dust i most certainly think we will be able to hack into the brain at that point. Let me pitch one more way and tell me if it is at all different from what i have been saying. I want a machine that can copy evolution of everything from the beggining of that universe. Now of course it would neeed too much processing power but by computer magic i meant the concept of magic. Instead of each cell going through every process magic can replace stuff to make stuff faster. Then a magical game would be able to use that world.

We can't shoot for perfect! Since what we think is perfect may not remain perfect till we release the bullet.

Why not aim for small goals at a time? So that we can increase our accuracy as we go.

I'm 14 too. But I am currently making progress in game development instead. Come up with me!

Personally i think small goals are stupid. But okay, also how can I join you?

Personally i think small goals are stupid.

Yes, and no.

If someone means, "aim low because we won't achieve anything better", then yes, that's (likely) self-defeatism that prevents them from reaching higher and stretching themselves.

But if someone means, "aim high long-term, but figure out intermediary stepping stones to reach to our long-term goals", that's smart planning. That's what people mean when they say, "start small and work your way up", because starting small teaches you the important information you'll need when you go big. But trying to start big is like trying to fly a 737 commercial airliner before learning to fly a smaller two-seater plane: your crash is guaranteed, and when you crash, not only is there alot more destruction that costs alot more money, you also bring down all the people you convinced to ride in the plane with you. It's worse for you, and for them.

idk dude can anyone pls recomend something i could start on to get into either game design or development?

This shit made my brain hurt. :huh:

"... If fate is a millstone, then we are the grist. There is nothing we can do. So I wish for strength. If I cannot protect them from the wheel, then give me a strong blade, and enough strength... to shatter fate."


This shit made my brain hurt. :huh:

Imagine how it feels for me to have a shitty brain

idk dude can anyone pls recomend something i could start on to get into either game design or development?

Start here: "I want to make games, where do I start?"

And here: Sloperama's Game Biz Advice page

It takes years of hard work, so now's absolutely a good time to get started.

idk dude can anyone pls recomend something i could start on to get into either game design or development?

Is that what this is all about? Maybe you should start over with a new thread, and a focused question.
We will probably need to know these tidbits about you:
1. How old are you?
2. What's your level of education?
3. What's your current occupation? (If student: "student")
4. Which game job, if any, do you aspire to, or plan to study for? Game design? Or programming? (Which?)
5. And we may need to know what country you live in (where in the world are you?).

Also, are you looking for a job? Or are you planning on making a living as an independent developer?

-- Tom Sloper --

idk dude can anyone pls recomend something i could start on to get into either game design or development?

Is that what this is all about? Maybe you should start over with a new thread, and a focused question.We will probably need to know these tidbits about you:1. How old are you?2. What's your level of education?3. What's your current occupation? (If student: "student")4. Which game job, if any, do you aspire to, or plan to study for? Game design? Or programming? (Which?)5. And we may need to know what country you live in (where in the world are you?).Also, are you looking for a job? Or are you planning on making a living as an independent developer?
Okay I will start new thread. Where should I put it?

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