
My understanding for developing a video game, can I get some insight?

Started by April 23, 2016 09:24 AM
33 comments, last by owiley 8 years, 10 months ago

I'm the best.

Read some books, for example "3D Math for Graphics and Game Development". The first 8 chapters are all about that "world of yours".

Are you referring to the Fletcher Dunn book or another one? That is one problem, every programmer and developer has their own set of books they like so it is rather difficult to know which books to read.

I'm asking for clarification due to books having similar names or identical names yet different authors. Don't want current and future readers of this thread to rush out and buy the wrong book. I'm drawing from the experiences of beginners in C++ being told to buy C++ Primer only to rush out and buy C++ Primer Plus (which is notorious for being poorly written).


all of your feedback is unhelpful and insulting. please stop "contributing".

also this is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard

The fact that you took 3 Assembly college classes doesn't say anything about your knowledge.

of course it does because you don't just sit there and listen to lectures. You have to implement computer programs and study circuit board components, hardware (MEMORY TRANSISTORS ETC.) Says alot about what you prob know. Unless your assuming that I just sat in class not listening or studying any of the hw assignments.

you even said

I don't say that you should start with assembly language, but you need to have at least basic understanding on how stuff works on the inside.

so taking 3 assembly college classes is a definately a relevant piece of info towards what I might understand about computation on a hardware level. especially if you speaking in terms of BASIC UNDERSTANDING. I said that to give you some polite feedback not to boast.

I wouldnt have said this if i didn't feel comfortable with my knowledge of computer assembly programs. If you need more convincing i'm creating a java compiler and debugger right now, and part of java compilation is interpreting byte codes with the ive created classes that interpret / executes byte codes, had to implement a run time stack and stack frames. i've created assembly programs with functions that pass by data and by pointers to data, do function calls, store and load data, load and store / create heaps, work with the stack, get data at runtime and process that data, ...which was all from a college CLASS. I'm sure this is alot more rewarding that reading a book and im not sure what your methods are for learning but i consider this pretty hands on and would definitely trust the education teachers can provide to public.

Also about what you said don't wait for someone to tell you. I definitely disagree because being taught by word of mouth is one of the most effective/efficient ways of learning. Saves you alot of time and most people are willing to have a nice intuitive conversation.

thanks for this, it is very helpful.

im a little bit confused why the world editor is part of the game, does the game need to do world editing at runtime?
wouldnt there just be an instance of a world and that object will just go through changes?

seems like Game is the final result but it has debugging and editing libraries attached to it
i figured you would just create a world file and that would just be reused/ accessed by the world manager.


most games have tool with many being integrated in the actual game its easier to test things that way. You are right the game might load some data at some point and modify that information and use it to calculate the state of things but the diagram is just an example that is from one pipeline of game development.

Since you know that games are applications their should be some state to the game mechanic which would lead you to some path.

Bring more Pain

all of your feedback is unhelpful and insulting. please stop "contributing".

Ok, I will stop. :lol: Just one more thing. By the way, who said I wanted to contribute? Maybe I just want to tell you that you are wrong. :P

Are you referring to the Fletcher Dunn book or another one?

Yes, of course by Dunn. It is true that there are lot of books with the same name, so I will mention the author next time.

Heelp, on 23 Apr 2016 - 11:29 PM, said:


The fact that you took 3 Assembly college classes doesn't say anything about your knowledge.

of course it does because you don't just sit there and listen to lectures. You have to implement computer programs and study circuit board components, hardware (MEMORY TRANSISTORS ETC.) Says alot about what you prob know. Unless your assuming that I just sat in class not listening or studying any of the hw assignments.

I'm in uni, too. And I'm still on the opinion that classes, and especially lectures, don't give you anything, they just give you an overview of what material you need, so that you know what to learn (by yourself, of course).

And about the difference between design and development, and how the "world" is represented by data, I'm still on the opinion that you can easily find it out by yourself by reading the 100-200 articles on the internet.

all of your feedback is insulting.

Of course, any constructive feedback is insulting. And even if it wasn't, that's my way of saying things. Instead of trying to change it, maybe I should find a job where it is appreciated.(or die of hunger) :lol:

Back to the "out of the topic" :lol:

Basically, what I wanted to say from my first post on this topic is that you ask all these vague questions and you want an easy answer, but the only answer is to sit and make a 3D game, because you haven't made even one, because you are lazy. -_- And this is a forum, so I can give my opinion here. That doesn't mean that it always should contribute to you. You choose what and if something contributes to you. I gave you the only way that guarantees progress, you won't listen, that's why you are right, my posts will not contribute to you. I won't post here again, since you asked me nicely.(kind of) ^_^


Of course, any constructive feedback is insulting. And even if it wasn't, that's my way of saying things. Instead of trying to change it, maybe I should find a job where it is appreciated.(or die of hunger) :lol:


because you are lazy. -_-


And this is a forum, so I can give my opinion here.

This is the For Beginners forums, where there are certain rules in place when answering questions.

One of these rules quite clearly state you should not be insulting. If you cannot abide by those rules, I would suggest you refrain from posting in this forum.

No, not all constructive criticism is insulting. Looking over the many many posts in the For Beginners forum, you will see that most posts aren't insulting, even if they give critique and answer questions.

If that's your way of saying things, I would suggest you learn how to communicate your thoughts and meanings in a less hostile way.

It's completely fine if you disagree with something, or feel that you know better and can guide someone. Just keep in mind that the way something is communicated has an effect.


As for the question on why the world editor is part of the game:

As frob said, the details will vary from game editor to game editor.

It is not a requirement for a game that the editor is part of it. The bigger and more commercial engines (Unity, Unreal, etc) have spent hundreds or even thousands of work-years on improving their editors. A big part of their focus is to allow more rapid iteration/changes/tweaks to the world, which they've attempted to solve by making the engine and the game as interconnected as they can.

Other engines/games, especially small/home-made ones, do not have this functionality. Or if they do, they don't have it to the same extent.

In those cases, the result is usually more back and forth between various tools and editors to have something running in the game. It might not be as user-friendly or "agile" or quick to iterate on, but it's still a perfectly valid way to make games.

Loads of games are made using both methods.


I really miss Selective Quote.

Hello to all my stalkers.

I'm in uni, too. And I'm still on the opinion that classes, and especially lectures, don't give you anything, they just give you an overview of what material you need, so that you know what to learn (by yourself, of course).

And about the difference between design and development, and how the "world" is represented by data, I'm still on the opinion that you can easily find it out by yourself by reading the 100-200 articles on the internet.

all of your feedback is insulting.

Of course, any constructive feedback is insulting. And even if it wasn't, that's my way of saying things. Instead of trying to change it, maybe I should find a job where it is appreciated.(or die of hunger) :lol:

Back to the "out of the topic" :lol:

Basically, what I wanted to say from my first post on this topic is that you ask all these vague questions and you want an easy answer, but the only answer is to sit and make a 3D game, because you haven't made even one, because you are lazy. -_- And this is a forum, so I can give my opinion here. That doesn't mean that it always should contribute to you. You choose what and if something contributes to you. I gave you the only way that guarantees progress, you won't listen, that's why you are right, my posts will not contribute to you. I won't post here again, since you asked me nicely.(kind of) ^_^

okay maybe i miss took your "constructive criticism"/opinion as a condescending useless comment. I'd like to point out if it was constructive criticism it would be helpful which it wasnt because it was telling me to understand computer architecture basics and to start with assembly, but then telling me that taking 3 assembly courses is useless, then telling me im lazy because im asking questions on game development and have not tried to create a 3d game yet.

Honestly without the answers in from this post i would not know where to begin. Additionally, previous to this topic, I have been trying to understand the full scope of a game development through the internet / research and even went to the 2013 game developers conference in San Francisco ..and still didnt have a good idea of how things work together.

I'm in uni, too. And I'm still on the opinion that classes, and especially lectures, don't give you anything, they just give you an overview of what material you need, so that you know what to learn (by yourself, of course).

well that is unfortunate for you. my school projects have brought me a lot. I have projects i can show for in job interviews such as websites, java software and those assembly programs which can probably help me develop a Nintendo 64 game if id like.

I really would not like to argue about the usefulness of school because this is not what i originally posted for. The point of telling you i took those classes was simply a response to your reply

(a translation for you)

you: "assembly helps"

me: "yes i have a basic understanding for assembly and computer architecture"

OP is n00b.

A person can be self reliable and still ask questions so I disagree with the "ask less questions". You also haven't answered my clarification question about the book you named. You have spent the thread arguing with the OP.

( and I still think you are lazy and all talk-no action, and you still haven't started to make your first 3d game :lol: )

Absolutely uncalled for and rather childish to put. There is a level of civility and professionalism expected in the beginners forum.

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