
Overheating Computer

Started by April 12, 2016 11:31 AM
9 comments, last by Scopemark 8 years, 5 months ago


I hope that this helps some people.

My laptop has always overheated after a half hour or so of use. After reducing the performance settings, that helped and also delayed the onset of overheating but didn't resolve the issue. It also slowed my work pace, which always annoys me.

There is nothing like peace of mind, so I reached in back of me to a cabinet where I have a small household fan. I got a couple cardboard boxes to set the fan and pointed the thing at the bottom of my laptop. SHAZAM ! No more overheating ! Now I run the laptop at full performance settings in every category with no problem.

I am the kind of guy who hates waste and I love efficiency, so I turn off the lights or anything else when not in use. This time, I badly needed a fan! It's a very important investment for my workflow.

A quick note: I have come across all kinds of computers which overheat (sometimes). This includes a smartphone! If your device starts just fine and is okay for a while then slows, this could be overheating.

Grab that fan and see if that works for ya !

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

Years ago I had a DSL modem that started acting bad. I was looking at it, and it was really hot! So, I pointed a fan at it and, BAM!, no more connection or throughput problems!

When I moved out, my roommate used the modem in his room, but he didn't have a fan; his solution, a bag of frozen peas sitting on top of it.

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his solution, a bag of frozen peas sitting on top of it

In some situations, a solution involving codensate or melt water dripping through venting slits can turn out being only the second best option.

My solution to prevent overheating is not to put things in plain sunlight during summer (which, trivial as it sounds, seems to be the single cause of overheating for me).

when it got damn hot in summer, my laptop also started to slow down. I bought a cooling pad (there are tons of these, just google), really helped without any McGyvering

My old videocard used to sound like a distant lawnmower, and would during online COD matches suddenly shut the whole computer down.

Turns out the grease in the videocard's built-in fan had evaporated due to a faulty seal, so I had to every five or six months oil it with some 3-in-1 machine oil.

One of the times I took it apart to oil it, and put it back together, and the thing ran so silently, I couldn't even hear the fan!

Turns out, it was because that time I forgot to plug the fan back in. :lol:

(a few insta-overheats cued me to the problem a few days later)

It might be dust. If you can open the laptop and use canned air you might be able to fix it. As always beware of static electricity... discharge on some metal and don't touch exposed pins.

-potential energy is easily made kinetic-


Yep, can of spray air. Be prepared for clouds of crap to come out if you have never done this. I blast my laptop with air once a month or so

My laptop has always overheated after a half hour or so of use. After reducing the performance settings, that helped and also delayed the onset of overheating but didn't resolve the issue. It also slowed my work pace, which always annoys me.

Cummulative heat is often a result of dust, blocked air leavenance, or, rarely, oxidized rotten heat-sink metals. Do a dust removal, and then some air blow (old school dust can be anywhere, turning to some sort of plastic in moisture), but remove battery, press power on afterwards to eat the left voltage, and play with tasty dust as much as it gets.

Hopefully no more overheating and undertackting.

Get a cooling pad with a fan in it powered by usb. My laptop runs more efficiently since I got one. They're only a few quid on ebay.

This laptop has always overheated, literally new out the box.

Thanks for the comments, folk.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

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