Hi! I’m made a concept for an advergame and I would like to know if it’s good enough to be proposed. Your thoughts on it would be highly appreciated.
Here goes!!!
A recliner shooting a penalty shot at a soccer match.
Note: The client is from a furniture company and there’s a major soccer match about to take place sometime during this month. The client wants to showcase this product in a game during the match season. So it’s a simple concept I came up with. I played small 2D ‘soccer penalty’ games online and thus came up with the idea.
Below is a brief info about the summary.
- 2D/3D –
- The recliner will be in 3D and will be realistic to match the actual product.
- The rest of the environment and characters can have a semi-realistic feel to it.
- Engine – Unity 3D
- Platform - Web-based
- Controls – Mouse and Space button
- Mouse – to slide the recliner a bit to the right and left so that the ball can be shot at different directions at the goal post.
- RMB – activate the backrest to catapult the ball upwards.
- LMB – activate the footrest to shoot the ball downwards.
- Space – ball appears from top the recliner.
- Age – 12 and above
Game Mechanics
- Gameplay: The player has to make as many goals as possible within the given time limit/number of balls.
- Limited Time / Limited Balls: (Which will make a better gameplay?)
- If limited time: Countdown timer is displayed at the top corner of the game screen.
- If limited balls: Limited balls is displayed at the top corner of the game screen.
- Obstacles:
- Soccer characters are seen running across the game screen. If player hits one of the soccer characters with the ball, it bounces away and thus wasting time/balls.
- Goal Keeper: Goal keeper (AI) tries it’s best to anticipate the path of the ball.
- Score:
- If limited time: Score is based depending on the number of goals made. Therefore, for each goal, the player gets 100 points and so on.
- If limited balls: the same concept as limited time. But only 10 balls will be allowed to the player. (TBT (to be tested))
- Score Page: Top 10 scores will be displayed on the left side of the score page.
- Environment:
- Soccer stadium.
- Fans are seen behind the goal post – 2D animated.
- Recliner (Not a character but the main object in the game)
- Goal Keeper
- 2 or more soccer characters
- Music and SFX: There will be music on/off button displayed on the Start page and Score Page. (Should there be a music on/off button? It's a small game.)
- Music: Yes
- SFX: Yes
- (I usually make a table with a complete elaborated info on the Music and SFX)
- Advertising:
- Start Screen: Product is displayed, the company logo and slogan.
- Score Page: Same as start screen but the product is displayed on the left side and the top 10 scores are displayed on the right side.
- Link: Link to the company’s site is placed in the Start Screen and Score Page.
- Social Networking: Company’s Facebook and Twitter logos are seen in the Start Screen and Score Page.
- Host: Where is the best place to showcase this Advergame? In Facebook, Client Site, etc.?
Well, that’s about it!!!
And yes, I’m a Game Designer. I have created GDDs before and in fact got few games published. My biggest regret is not understanding coding or maybe learning it. I’m intermediate in Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya and I know Word, Excel, Power Point and some few other simple software’s that helps me in creating a GDD.
I would really appreciate if you can give me a feedback on the following points:
- Concept? If not up to the point, what can I add or remove to make the game better?
- Mechanics? Is it up to the point? I would like to get a feedback from a programmer. Is the info enough for you to make the game?
- Can this work as an advergame? If no, please tell me why?
- Understanding- If this was a GDD (I've made bigger ones), is it good enough to be called one?
Thanks for helping me out!!!