First off, an introduction!
Hello everyone! I've stumbled onto this site recently and decided to join so I'm completely new to this community. :)
Just out of curiosity, I wanted to get an idea of what you guys think think of the current situation I find myself in. First off, I want to make games. I've always wanted to make games ever since i was a child. I'm currently 19 and am going to Community College, working a part time job, and developing a game I plan to release on IOS and Android this summer. I've been developing this game whenever I can find the time for the past 2 months and I believe it has a lot of potential. As much as want to keep developing and spending more time on this project, I feel like my education is holding me back. So that leaves me to my big question...
Should I leave College after this semester to work on my project full time?
I know education is important but wouldn't it be easier to get into this industry with a 100% completed project rather than any kind of degree? This semester in itself has been tough just because I try to make time for my game rather then studying and my grades show that. I've been thinking about this for awhile now and I would definitely appreciate some advice from people currently in the industry. :P