I'm sorry if it came across that way, it was not my intent.
I've looked at a lot of portfolios over the years. Some are quite excellent. Most are a collection of badly broken student work that mostly works okay if you use it exactly correct.
When sitting on the employer side of the interview desk, the process is one of rapid elimination and reducing the pile. If we're advertising for an entry level worker -- which we don't do often -- the first pass is usually a few seconds to glance at all the applications. These jobs are surprisingly popular among applicants. I'll spend seconds looking for clues to location (address and phone number and recent job history), evidence they can hold a job, evidence they know their stuff (usually a degree) and evidence they are really interested in games (hobby projects).
Usually within about 5 minutes I can prune a stack of 50-100 pages down to about 10 pages of applicants. It is not that any of the others are bad, but those ten generally are local, have a degree, and have links to a portfolio web site. Among those I will spend about five minutes each on their web site if they list one, making a quick determination if their work is excellent (usually there will be one or two), mediocre (usually about 3-5, passable for their background), and half are garbage (their homework assignments dressed up, or sometimes just a link to their githib homework source). Typically this results in about 2-5 candidates I bother to interview. I'll increase the numbers and relax requirements a little if we have multiple entry-level jobs we're filling, but that is rare.
Beyond the entry level jobs, for programmers (and a lesser extent for other disciplines) having a demo portfolio don't really matter. If I can see you've been working professionally for several years in the industry on a set of games, I can search for the games directly and look at your description of what you did on the game. I have no expectation that a professional programmer also has an inspiring personal project, I anticipate that most professional programmers have other things they want to do in their hobby time.
I'm trying not to be harsh about it. Personal projects are not the first thing reviewed. Personal projects can be considered if the rest of the resume or application looks good, and they contribute to a junior programmer's resume, but they're several items down the list on importance.