Lets say we have some indie game, but good looking, quite succefull etc., lets say vanishing of ethan carter (just an example). Lets say that according to steam spy, the game sold 200 000 copies. And lets say that it came out in the beggining of of 2014 (just and example). So it was out for 2 years, endured around 6 "holiday" sale actions (summer sale, autumn sale,winter sale X 2 (for each year)) and 2 discount action/flash sales during the year. The game (besides the action sales) still sells for the full release price.
The steam spy says 200 000 copies sold. Is there a way how to at least a little bit APPROXIMATE the number of sales that happened for the full price and how much copies were sold for the discounted price? Before you say NO, lets at least try to think about one.
1) Majority of the games sell majority of their coppies in short space right after release. Whats the average time frame and copies sold? Lets say that on average game sells in its first month around 50% of its total sold copies (measured two years after the release). True?
2) Humble bundle- if the game sells on humble bundle you can easily subtract the ammount from steamspy numbers.
Whats other tips you have on this issue?
Is it safe to say that in my example, 100 000 copies (50%) were sold in the first month for full price , additional 20 000 (10%) sales were made slowly through the 2 years for the full price, and the rest (80 000 copies= 40%) were sold during various sale/discount actions (-25%, -50%, -75%)?