Take whatever classes interest you most. Take some psychology. Take some business. Take some music. Go for your INTERESTS.
After reviewing everyone's comments, I think this is what I am going to do. Everyones comments have focused on the skills over the value of a minor certification itself and if I do manage to build a career that works around my own schedule (i,e Indie development), I could presumably go back and pick up single courses over the span of years to finish off minors in both business and psychology. That is if I find use for those certificates in my career once the ball is rolling.
In the event that I fail at indie development, other threads I have been reading on this form have lead me to believe that large developer companies will be more interested in my portfolio of work than a minor. That probably goes twice over for a minor in business as they would have no need for a low end programmer to have that knowledge.
I too vote for a business minor. If your long term goal is to run a studio you won't be spending your time in the trenches coding, you'll spend it managing the business.
I think your make a good point Andrewray, but the more I think about it the more I think that I need to have the skills to make a stellar game on my own before I can be in a position to manage others. Also, from what I understand of the natural progression of indie development, a person starts out very much on there own but as they start to succeed, they gain the opportunity to reinvest profits into their next game. This would be a slowly cumulative process so if I am able to succeed I should be able to get incremental practice with first outsourcing a single aspect of a game, to eventually managing a single employee and beyond. The naturally imposed slow pace of that learning process makes me more comfortable putting it on the back burner. Conversely, if the first game I put out to the public isn't up to snuff, the stink of that might stay with me.
All and all, having a wide variety of skills that will allow me to be a versatile developer wins out over specializing. That is convenient because either minor would involve some boring classes whose only purpose would be to fill the credit requirement.
Thank you all very much for your help!
If anyone else has any additional input I will be thrilled to hear it.