Many rpg:s have loads of damage types and resistances. That can get messy. My plan is to cut it down to 4:
1. Physical - most weapons and abilities
2. Magical - staffs and wands fire - some abilities both by casters and others. And enchanted swords!
3. Fire - deal x instant dmg + x/2 dmg the following turn (burn-damage). some magical weapons, environmental dmg, some spells such as fireball
4. Poison - deal x dmg for y turns. Some abilities and environmental dmg.
Then I can characterize monsters by damage modifiers and encourage some tactics and utility of making a mixed party of heroes;
fire (2.0)
poison (0.5)
physical (0.4)
magical (2.0)
poison (0.5)
physical - blunt (1.7) (subclass of some weapons such as mace)
physical - piercing (0.5) (subclass of some weapons such as bow)
Typical other damage types are cold, arcane, holy etc but i dont think I need those. These 4 seem distinct enough to me. Any feedback on this idea? I dont want full immunities as this can potentially lock the player in an unwinnable fight if unlucky.
Instead of a specific modifier I should maybe have some fixed damage modifiers - as it's easier to overview for the player...
resistant - take half damage from certain damage type (same as mod 0.5)
vulnerable - take 80% extra damage from certain damage type (same as mod 1.8)
And that's it! Might be more distinct, what do you guys think?