
Beginner with a dream.

Started by February 23, 2016 04:41 PM
33 comments, last by Cecilius 8 years, 9 months ago

I'm 16 years old in 11th grade next year is my last.

Right now I'm in the verge of learning C++, because I have this drive to make a game,

a 2D shooter game with art style similar to Borderlands, is their any books I can buy or online tutorials I can take to help me.

My ideas for this dream game is vast, from collectable cameo's earned from common, rare, legendary, and epic crates, to customizable

player characters, so please may you all help me get started?

so please may you all help me get started?

You should get started by reading the forum FAQ:

-- Tom Sloper --


Thank you!

Consider looking at something like Unity or Unreal Engine to get started as well.

C++ is not a great first language, and while you can learn it first you may find it slower going than another alternative (such as C#, which you can use with Unity). Using something like Unity or Unreal will let you make concrete progress on your goal of making this 2D shooter game without having to make you endure months and possibly years of learning basic programming fundamentals and the myriad of other small things you probably don't realize go into making even a basic 2D game.

While you work on your "dream project," you can also learn a programming language alongside that project.

Yes I'm aware about C++ is not a great first language so Ill just try and learn C# instead since I will be able to use Unity and maybe learn java script :)

You could pick up a copy of Beginning Game programming, a book by Jonathan S Harbor. It assumes you know the basics of c++ and will teach you to create a 2d game step by step (using directx in this case).

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me


Hmmm I might just touch up that book

Also I don't really want to use sprites but 3D models, with those nice black outlining style like in borderlands, not sprites, so which software can help me build 3d models and import to unity?

There is a whole forum on that, with more pinned FAQs :)

Mmmmm didn't know that thanks :D

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