Hi, gamedev community.
First of all, i would like to thank anyone who takes time to read my post, i'll try to keep it short.
So, for several reasons, since my childhood, my biggest dream have ever been working as a game developer( more specific writing stories for games), and since then i've always tried to figure out the best way to achieve it, but since i never actually found someone in the game development industry saying a good way to do so, untill i came across this forum, i made up some plans and now i would be extremely gratefull if someone could actually tell me if i'm doing it right or absolutely wrong.
To sum up everything, i came to think that its kind of hard for a company to actually analyze if you're fit for a job writing games stories/narrative without any other company reference. So, thinking this way, i came with the idea of graduating in CS(and while doing so always exercise my creativity as a storyteller/writer,to do so, i became a storyteller in many RPG games like D&D, Werewolf, Mage: The ascension), start working as a programmer, then, with some time and knowing more people in the industry i would try to tell someone about any story that i might have written.
In my spare time i'm also learning how to model using maya and zbrush(using DigitalTutors website) and training in my photoshop skills as well, i'm developing an indie game with some friends using Unreal Engine, and in the next semester i'll try to do a Literature course. By doing so i've imagined that i would have something more to show in an interview.
Now that i've found this forum i would be really greatfull if someone could see if this course of actions + really passionate about it + working hard for it would lead me to my final goal.
If i'm on doing it all wrong, what should i do?
Even if i'm on a right way, is there anything else you would recommend me to do?
Thank you all for you time, have a great day.