At 26 years old with nothing going on in my life, I decided recently that I'd like to pursue video game design as a potential career choice, or at least figure out more about it! The problem is, I don't have much experience or education in the field - the most I've done related to game design is a single standalone class at my community college and a long, sporadic attempt at making an over-ambitious video game in Yoyo Games' Game Maker.
Researching Game Design options for education is a weird grab bag. Most of the results are just summaries of game design jobs, but these summaries are unspecific, saying that game designers can take a wide array of helpful education including arts, computer sciences, communication and business, etc. Some of them are programs from art universities like Art Institute and Full Sail University, but I've never been sure if those schools are legit. The presence of actual programs designed specifically for game design seems rare at best.
While I continue digging through this, I wanted to see if anyone had some actual experience that could help me out or at least point me in a good direction to get more info. I'm trying to distinctly look into "design" over "development," as I'm more interested in putting a game together than creating one of the individual systems. But, as it's probably very clear, I don't really have a good idea on how these things actually work when you get into the real process of game creation.
Where should I start? What are my actual team position options? Any information would be helpful.
Thank you!
Edit: I absolutely thought I was in the Beginner's forum when I posted this. If someone could move it for me, I'd appreciate it, since I can't see a way to delete it. Sorry about that.