
Texture Mapping - Borland 5.5

Started by November 18, 2001 12:55 AM
1 comment, last by Jamazon 23 years, 3 months ago
Hi I''ve been reading the tutorials from this site (the opengl ones) and every one compiled perfectly untill I got to number 6. The tutorial was on texture mapping from bmp''s but when I came to compile it (borland 5.5 - bcc55 -W texture.cpp) the compiler come up with an error at the bottom: error unresolved external ''auxDIBImageLoadA'' referenced from c:\borland\mycode\texture.obj. How am I supposed to fix it ? Am I doing something wrong or can''t borland do texture mapping? If you know what i am supposed to change PLEASE help!!!! Thanks
In this tutorial, Nehe may have used the glaux librairies as shows the error -auxDIBImageLoadA-.
So you need to download the libraires and the includes of glaux...and then link them to your prog, and you ''ll be able to use auxDIBImageLoad function to load your texture.
Where do I get those glaux librarys?

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