That made the most coolheaded manager rage after the fourth year in succession with the same stupid questions being asked
Given how large of an impact it can have on people's actual productivity... It really wasn't a stupid question.
Different people work in different ways, and it is kind of management's job to sort things out such that everyone in an office is working effectively.
The "stupid" comment was more going in the direction of "why ask questions when the managment does not want to listen anyway?"... Of course the question per se wasn't stupid at all. It was just stupid to ask for something management will never back down off, ever.
That is how things work here... you don't like it? You find another job. Trying to talk to management is like trying to talk to 5 year olds. They understand what you are saying, what the words mean. But their world and yours is so vastly different, they cannot understand what you are trying to express with these words. It doesn't help when most of these managers still have their own office, or by now at max sit in a small openplan office with other guys of the same rank that most probably are not at their desk 80% of the time. With the manager himself being occupied with meetings and traveling from here to there, that makes THEIR openplan office a very quiet place to work in I guess.
Then most of the guys never tried to write a single line of code. Most of them most probably either followed a management career from the start, or have been off jobs where talking is NOT your most important skill for so long they hardly remember it.
Why do you expect such guys to listen? At a time when management still though we had too much Staff? :)
As for the people wandering around loudly talking on phones: Best 'solution' I've seen is an office that had 'phone pods', semi sound proof phonebooth type things that you could step in. (Some libraries have them.) When a few people failed to take advantage of them and did the 'wander the office while talking and thinking' thing, a few of the engineers disassembled one of the booths so it was in two halves, put it on wheels, and anytime someone did the walk-and-talk and wasn't headed for a booth, then a few of the guys would grab a half and chase after the loud talker till they caught him.
We HAVE phone pods. Most people are decent enough to use them, me included. Some special persons think they don't have to... because its their job to be on phone 24/7? Because they cannot hear how loud they are thanks to their headsets? Because they just don't care? Who knows?
But I like the idea with the mobile pods. Sounds like a solution to make a point without interrupting an important phone call (well, at least the culprit can't claim that you disrupted the call, just his afternoon stroll with the phone) :)
Sadly I think where I work most people wouldn't take it well. Either they would just take it as a joke and ignore it, or they would take it serious. It sometimes does feel like Corporate-Zombie-Land around here.