I definitelly don't want the boring "multiple paths to victory with a single victory condition per type" thing :)
So, I was thinking about something along those lines:
There are achievements (own X planets, have X prestige, all major races acknowledge your superiority, etc), you either got it or not. There are "disasters/problems/troubles" you either solved it or not. Now, in order to win the game you need to claim 3/5 achievements and solve minimum 3 disasters.
* prestige at least 1200
* prestige at least 500
* control 200 planets
* control 150 planets
* control 100 planets
* all civilized races acknowledge that the Empire is a major power
* all major races acknowledge the Empire's superiority
* have more vassals than all other major races together (but minimum 2 vassals)
* seal 50% of trans dimmensional rifts
* build a star fortress
* there are no rebel worlds
* research 20 technologies from the sociology field
& solve the conspiracy plot
& defender of the galaxy (fend off trans aliens invasion)
& the need for imperial reform
& suppress the rebels
I'm not sure :D Go for it? Change it? Adjust it?