Greetings everyone
My team in the Baylor University Gaming Capstone has put up a concept page on Steam Greenlight to get feedback / gauge support for our idea. Please check it out and let us know what you think. The page will be updated weekly with new information about the progress on the game's ideas / planned features / progress. We have plans for a Steam Greenlight release in around 7 weeks. And please share it around with others you think might be interested so we can get as many people involved as possible. All the feedback we get is priceless!
Also, it is through the Steam account BaylorUniversityGameStudios, so you can follow them to learn about all of the projects that will coming through Baylor University in the future (this is the first year that they've been doing Steam releases and it will likely be continuing in the future). All of the games are completely FREE, so please let us know what we can do to craft fun experiences for you guys!