I'm day-dreaming about making a little game, more as a hobby than anything serious. I'd like to make a multi-player, turn based 2d game. I could use some ideas on how to implement the multiplayer mechanics. Let's start with a really simplistic example:
Here we have two players, a castle, and a rat. When the rat is killed, it drops "food" as loot. Let's assume that the players can move up to 5 squares a day and "fight" once per day. Besides that the game might be incredibly slow to play (and that's OK!), I know that there's all sorts of problems with this system.
For example, let's assume that both players want to attack the rat:
1. If player's movement and "fighting" happen immediately, then whomever moves first that day will kill the rat.
2. If all players' movement are resolved once per day, then only one player will kill the rat, and the other player would have wasted their move on a frivolous action. However, I suppose I could say that both players attacked the rat, and each player spits and loot or experience.
3. If all players' movements are resolved once per day, two or more players might try to move into the same square.
I guess that option #1 is my only choice?
PS: I'm currently unavailable for senior art director positions.