
New Game Designer

Started by January 19, 2016 01:39 AM
3 comments, last by Tom Sloper 9 years, 1 month ago

hay im a game designer and i need ideas or art

for the ideas keep them simple something i can do using a simple program like game maker (2d for now )

for the art i need characters, enviroment, and a logo (Pinkchicken)

thanks, pinkchickengames wub.png

You can look for art help in the Classifieds section (do not ask for art in any of the discussion boards). As for ideas, I'm sure lots of people here in the Game Design forum can float ideas for you, but it's a little odd to call yourself a game designer and ask other people to give you ideas!

It occurs to me: you might be using the term "game designer" a bit too loosely. What do you think a game designer does? I'm not picking on you - just trying to get to the heart of what it is you're looking for and what it is you need.

-- Tom Sloper --


Here's a game idea generator.

But if you're new and are just learning gamemaker (I'm just making assumptions here, so correct me if i'm wrong), I would recommend going through the gamemaker tutorials. They have you make some simple stuff like a top down air plane shooter, and brick breaking game. As you learn the types of things you can do from the tutorials, you can think about what type of games you can make within your current limitations. Working within limitations are a great way to come up with creative ideas, and by limiting your game to what you know how to do, you're more likely to complete it.

Radiant Verge is a Turn-Based Tactical RPG where your movement determines which abilities you can use.

pink, I'm thinking that a thread in For Beginners is just what you need to read:

-- Tom Sloper --

pink, you should talk to Arlan. He's giving away an idea.

-- Tom Sloper --

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