
ScrollView problem and question

Started by January 11, 2016 09:48 PM
-1 comments, last by TDLover 9 years, 1 month ago

I'm currently working on a input for the user, to allow the use of some commands but somehow i have a problem with the the alignment of the messages in the input or chat history. I've added an Vertical Layout Group to the Content of the ScrollView shouldn' that already do the job, if i add a padding of 20 to all sites? If the text goes too big (near the right side or the content or the middle of it) it breaks out of the content a litte bit but shouldn't it fit in the Content or do i stil need to add something to the Content of the ScrollView or to the text prefab?

The Text Prefab that i'm adding with code has no Layout Elements added to it. I guess it does not need them or is that the problem? If i look in the scene, when the game is running i can see that the text prefabs that are breaking out of the content are bigger then the Content but the other ones, that don't have that much text seem to have the right padding.

How can i fix that problem? I don't know what is wrong or what i'm missing.

I also have a question:

How can i remove text, if there is too much in the content, like that the last message get's removed, if it's overflowing the content? Righr now i have the problem that if there are some messages added to the content, that all messages get invisible if they're overflowing the content.

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