So I'm RE some old Network NDIS driver and I get tired of dealing what variable is doing what. As I'm translating the code directly from IDA Pro I need to name my variables simple so I can easily compare both outputs. For example I name all my variables as this : 'v ?' as '?' is some number, the functions arguments like this : 'a ?' and the structure members like this: 'm_?' as in this case the number is byte offset starting from the structure first location.
However I would like to have another name, alias to them which will have a meaning in what are they actually doing. If I simply add this to the current name this could break my existing code - I would need to rename all the instances of it.
What I want is something like this:
struct SomeData {
int m_0; //here I want to refer to this member also as like for example 'StructureSize'
int m_4;
} d;
And so I can both write "d.m_0" and "d.StructureSize" which to refer to the same exact location. Any ideas?