
good Game Development resources

Started by January 06, 2016 03:23 AM
6 comments, last by JohnnyCode 9 years, 2 months ago

Hello! I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question, as I'm new to this community. I've been wanting to start game development for a long time now. I've been developing in Java and C++ for a bit more than a year, and I have the a clear knowledge of many of the concepts (Inheritance, Polymorphisim, OOP). With that being said, I'd like to delve into game programming.

Question: I'd love it if you guys recommend good starting materials (preferably videos, but books are fine). Yes, i have been searching for resources, but maybe you guys can shorten the search. I'd like C++ resources, but if you do know good Java ones then please share them.

I have tried Unity3D as well, but didn't quite like it. I want to learn how to create my own 3D engine. I know that's gonna be difficult, but I'm willing to invest a lot of time. An introductory level to 3D game development video series/book (if possible, that covers mostly everything) is what I'm asking for.

Apologies if the question is too broad, but any help will be highly appreciated.

Since you want to create you own 3D engine I am going to recommend Frank Luna's Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX11. Awesome book:

It assumes you have a farily good understanding of C++ but nothing too advanced. It also teaches you a fair bit of 3D math that is the same regardless of API, language of platform.

Take a look at video series on YouTube
They will be great to increase your knowledge!
Forum for talking all things about animation and games

Take a look at video series on YouTube
They will be great to increase your knowledge!
Do you have specific videos in mind? The OP said he looked for resiurces already, and apparently he did not find what he was looking for?

Since you want to create you own 3D engine I am going to recommend Frank Luna's Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX11. Awesome book:

It assumes you have a farily good understanding of C++ but nothing too advanced. It also teaches you a fair bit of 3D math that is the same regardless of API, language of platform.

Great! Thank you! I checked the reviews/reviewers and they correspond to my situation. I'll definitely check out the book. Thanks again! smile.png
EDIT: I did a little more searching and found out that a big chunk of the code used in the book is deprecated. I also found his newer DX 12 book, but it's not released yet (March 31st, 2016).

Take a look at video series on YouTube
They will be great to increase your knowledge!

Do you recommend any series that come to mind? I remember I checked out ChiliTomatoNoodle but that was before I even knew C++ so I gave up. I'm not sure if that's outdated or not. I'd also like a series that is either still going or finished (I have seen many that were left unfinished).

I did a little more searching and found out that a big chunk of the code used in the book is deprecated. I also found his newer DX 12 book, but it's not released yet (March 31st, 2016).

I would not say that "a big chunk is deprecated". He does base the code on an older version of the DirectX SDK, but the only really deprecated parts are the D3DX libraries, that aren't part of the newer SDKs. The only really big one is the Effects library and you can compile that yourself and use with the new SDKs if you still want to use that:

And if you don't want to use that, Frank wrote an article on how to use shaders without the library:

But like I said, the book teaches you a whole lot of 3D math and concepts that will be the same regardless of API, platform or SDK. Regarding the DX12 book, it is true it will soon be out, but like has been said many times on this forum, DX12 is not a replacement for DX11 in the same way that DX11 replaced DX10. DX12 is a lower level library and one that you definitely won't want to start with. DX11 and DX12 are going to coexist for quite some time.

If I were you I would get the DX11 book now and start learning, and if you still want to learn DX12 taking into account that it makes you take care of a bunch of things the driver does for you in DX11, then get that book when it is out.


I did a little more searching and found out that a big chunk of the code used in the book is deprecated. I also found his newer DX 12 book, but it's not released yet (March 31st, 2016).

I would not say that "a big chunk is deprecated". He does base the code on an older version of the DirectX SDK, but the only really deprecated parts are the D3DX libraries, that aren't part of the newer SDKs. The only really big one is the Effects library and you can compile that yourself and use with the new SDKs if you still want to use that:

And if you don't want to use that, Frank wrote an article on how to use shaders without the library:

But like I said, the book teaches you a whole lot of 3D math and concepts that will be the same regardless of API, platform or SDK. Regarding the DX12 book, it is true it will soon be out, but like has been said many times on this forum, DX12 is not a replacement for DX11 in the same way that DX11 replaced DX10. DX12 is a lower level library and one that you definitely won't want to start with. DX11 and DX12 are going to coexist for quite some time.

If I were you I would get the DX11 book now and start learning, and if you still want to learn DX12 taking into account that it makes you take care of a bunch of things the driver does for you in DX11, then get that book when it is out.

Great! Thanks for clearing that up. I'll be getting the book then. Thanks for the help!

They have exhoustive topics on possibly any obscure problem in game development.

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