Feedback on game Cyborgs
Just to make sure you get the right responses, and this is in the correct forum:
Do you have any questions that need to be answered? Any problems you are facing? Asking people "is this viable" is a very broad and vague question.
Oh, and give people the option of looking at your game WITHOUT having to create a user and actually playing your game. Do you have a youtube video of ingame footage? Any images?
You might get good responses from people that would never bother to login to your game, as a vid or image might already show them a potential issue or strength of your game.
From the above post, this game concept could be anything. I can make just about a dozen entirely different gameplay from the precepts above because this is too vague. The words you write down are true to the idea you are trying to convey, but they are insufficient. Most likely, we need sketches to better understand how Cyborgs are constructed, controlled, how the camera is positioned, etc. This may all sound like going "too deep" but it's actually a requirement to any idea, otherwise, this could be X-Com Enemy Within if I'm reading this right (we can turn your troops into Cyborgs, and there are two layers to gameplay, one is base management where you turn your soldiers into mechs/cyborgs, and the other where you fight missions).
From the above post, this game concept could be anything. I can make just about a dozen entirely different gameplay from the precepts above because this is too vague. The words you write down are true to the idea you are trying to convey, but they are insufficient. Most likely, we need sketches to better understand how Cyborgs are constructed, controlled, how the camera is positioned, etc. This may all sound like going "too deep" but it's actually a requirement to any idea, otherwise, this could be X-Com Enemy Within if I'm reading this right (we can turn your troops into Cyborgs, and there are two layers to gameplay, one is base management where you turn your soldiers into mechs/cyborgs, and the other where you fight missions).
I'm agreeing with you 100%, just make sure you understand that the TO expects people to follow the link he provided and play the actual game.
Now, I am sure I not the only one hesitating to follow links a stranger in a forum posted, and also even if I trust the link, could be convinced to actually create a user and play the game long enough to give an accurate reponse... after all, we are not talking about a 5 minute casual game here.
But I would love to look at pics and even watch a vid to better understand what the TO is trying to build, as well as read a somewhat more indepth description, and would love to provide feedback on that.
Gian and Orymus have said it better than I could. The description is too vague, and I'm not going to make an account when I don't even know what type of game it is, and haven't seen a screenshot or video. I'm interested to see or read more, though.
Radiant Verge is a Turn-Based Tactical RPG where your movement determines which abilities you can use.