
[UE4] The best way to create the Model Editor? (like spore)

Started by January 04, 2016 11:01 AM
-1 comments, last by Jack_R 9 years, 2 months ago


I want to create the editor, where the model can be assembled from parts (on Unreal Engine 4). The most difficult thing in my mind - to edit the body. It is necessary to dynamically add bone to the skeleton.

So far identified three options for how this can be done:
1) Modular Pawn - to collect the body of the cylinders or spheres, attach the limb(USkeletalMeshComponent).

Problem: how to bend Component (spline?)?

2) Use the FBX SDK - convert Mesh in FbxNode * and vice versa.

3) Use the Procedural Mesh Generation
Problem: Convert Static <-> Skeletal Mesh.

Or even know any ways? I am hope for your help. Thank you.

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