Brawling Bunch
Red Rock Rumble
Wacky Warfare
And yes, I like alliterations.
To add to what Servant said:
A name is really not *that* important. Nobody is going to buy your game just because the name sounds cool.
If you deliver a quality product, people will automatically associate something positive with its name.
Id, Nintendo, Quake, Final Fantasy, Sim City, ... etc.
If you didn't know anything about these games or companies would you think that these names are particularly creative or catchy?
The most important thing to consider is that you choose a unique name.
You don't want to choose a name that is super generic or too similar to another game.
It prevents people from finding you game via search engines or will make it easier for people to accuse you of just being a rip-off.
Also consider the legal aspect of picking a name that is already in use or a slight variation of it. (Trademarks!)