Hmmm, looks like whatever you're passing into your glViewport call is getting trashed, stomped on, or is just plain old uninitialized. Whichever, it's definitely the cause of your error anyway. Next step is for you to find where those values are coming from. I see that you've got m_worldView(window.getDefaultView()) so window.getDefaultView() looks a good first place to check.
Well upon looking at Game::m_world(m_window); which is the initialiser for my World class, it says the following for m_worldView:
left: 4.59...
top: 6.13...
width: 0
height: -nan(0x7fdfd0)
so by the looks of things, World is actually being given that value in the first place, but World is being initialised as it's supposed to be.
Where as, (and I actually got things the wrong way around) my m_window.setView(m_worldView); has the following:
left: 0
top: -nan(0x7fffff)
width: 0
height: 0